Chapter 6

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Santo pov

right now im at work gettin fustrated and pissed. Andre keeps blabbin about Natalie but never said her name or said a name. "i think im fallin for this girl" she said. my face hardened. Andre looked at me and i smiled at her. a fake one of course. i excused myself and headed to the bathroom. i sat on the sink just thinkin until there was a knock at the door "who is it?" i asked "Patrick" i heard. i opened the door to see him standin right there. "wats wrong wit u?" he asked i looked at him confused "dont act dumb i know that was a fake smile towards Dre, so wats goin on?" he asked i took a deep breath "the girl shes talkin about is my girlfriend Natalie" i said he looked suprise "how do u know?" he asked "she wont say the girl name in front of me go ask her wats the girls name" i told him. he walked out. 10min later he came back. "how can she do that to u?" he asked "idk i thought we were bros, the girl Natalie i love her to death, i asked her does she have any feeling for Andre and she said no and i believe her" i said he nodded and we walked back to the front. "u good bro?" Andre asked "yea y?" i asked "im hipp ik Patrick told u i was talkin about Natalie the way he looked and hurried back to u" she said "so y are u doin this to me? we have been bros sense diapers" i said "because i love her" she said simple "SHE DOESNT LOVE YOU SHE LOVES ME!" i yelled luckly there wasnt any costumers here my blood was boiling "how do u know?" she asked "because i asked her and she says she doesnt like you and im sure if she did love u she wouldnt be wit me she would be wit u" i said "idc im still gonna win her heart" she said wit a smirk "wat did u say?" i asked s

takin a step towards her. "u heard me" she looked at me still wit a smirk "and im goin out to see her on her birthday" her smirk got wider. i got in her face "i will fuckin kill u dont go near my girl DO U HEAR ME?" i yelled "naw i dont" she said smilin. i grabbed her shirt makin her feet hang off the floor. "dont come near me or MY girl matter of fact pack ur shit and get the fuck out ur fired" i said droppin her. she packed up her ink kit wit her things in it grabbin her bookbag and everything else and left. its now 5:34 i called Natalie as i heard Andre car sped off. "hello?" she asked groggy it was sexy as hell "srry did i wake u?" i smiled "yea but ur good wats up babe?" she asked "me and Andre got in an arguement" i said. i knew Emily and Patrick was listening "hold on" i said. i put my hand over the phone "EMILY PATRICK GET BACK TO WORK!" i yelled i heard footsteps running. i chuckled shakin my head. i put the phone back to my ear. "back" i said "so wat happened?" she asked. i told her wat happened she seemed suprise. "enough about that when u goin come see papi?" i asked wit a smirk. she giggled "when u goin come and see mami?" she asked "when ever u want" i said smiling "wat about spring break? i have 2 weeks off" she asked excited "i can make that happen when is ur spring break?" i asked "4 months" she said "wat about winter break?" i asked "i dont want u and ur family seperated on christmas" she said "ur right" i said "so spring break?" she asked "of course" i said "good cause my parents are gonna be gone for the second week so u can meet them the first week" she said i can tell she was smilin "so wat we gone do when ur parents gone?" i asked she giggled "some things" she said "some things?" i smiled "yep" she said seductivily "are u are virgin?" i asked "maybe" she said in a low voice. "are u?" i smirk "yes" she giggled "good" i said "why is that good?" she asked "cause im goin to be ur first and ur second and third-" i was cut off by her giggle "i get it we goin be together forever" she said "yep cause i love you baby girl and i wanna see where this relationship will take us" i smiled "me too and i love you too papi" she said.


sooooo spring break or nah?


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