I Started A Joke

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This is based off of the song I Started A Joke, but it's the ConfidentialMX version created for Suicide Squad.


I started a joke
Which started the whole world crying.
Had I only seen
That the joke was on me.

     You were insane, mad, crazy. But you were okay with that, because you were madly in love with Jerome Valeska. And he was the same way, if not worse. You both found pleasure in murder, so you both committed murder after murder.

     You and Jerome thought it was hilarious when you committed your crimes. It was your guys' joke. It was a joke you started, and didn't want to end.

     You and Jerome loved the joke, but it seemed you guys were the only ones. In fact, it felt like the whole world was... crying. They sobbed out of fear, wept at the loss of their loved ones, but you and Jerome only cried at their sadness. And your hilarious joke. But you guys had no idea what was in store for you. That your joke, was actually on you.

I looked at the skies
Running my hands, over my eyes.
And I fell out of bed,
Hurting my head, from the things that I said.

     You and Jerome were running from the cops. You had just killed 2 people. A couple, it looked like. You started to giggle, which turned into a chuckle, that turned into a full on psychotic laugh.

     You looked up to they sky, which was a light grey. The skies were always grey in Gotham, blue was too happy. You continued to laugh, as you ran your hands over your eyes. You felt free. Free and happy.

     The next day, you jolted awake from a nightmare. You jumped so high that you fell off of your bed and hit your head. You deserve it after everything you've done, everything you've said. You've ruined lives. You need help. You winced. The voices always gave you headaches. You could care less about what they said, you would never stop.

     You walked to the kitchen to get some medicine for your head. Jerome was sitting at the table, eating a bowl of cereal. "Hey ,babe." You said, kissing him on the head. "Good morning, Gorgeous." He said, looking over at you getting something for your head.

     "Another headache?" He asked. You grunted , as if to say "yes." "The voices want me to feel bad, for the things I've said, but I'll never feel bad. Not as long as I have you, J." You confessed. Jerome smiled over to you. "I love you, Y/N." You smiled back. "I love you, too, Handsome."

I started to cry
Which started the whole world laughing

     "No!" You shouted. You ran up to, a now bleeding, Jerome. Everything was going as planned. Jerome disguised as the Great Rudolpho, him revealing himself, and taking everybody, including Bruce Wayne and Lee Tompkins, hostage. But no. Theo had to go and ruin it all. He came on stage, trying to act like the hero, and stabbed Jerome in the neck. Jerome was dying.

     You held him in your arms, crying. "Jerome. J-Jerome! Please don't go. I-I love you." You cried. He looked up to you. "I-" He rasped out. He didn't have much time left. "I love... you, too... d-doll." And then he went limp in your arms, a smile plastered on his face. He died. Theo fucking Galavan killed him.

     You still held Jerome as you looked around. They were laughing at you. They were all laughing at you. Jim, Harvey, Bruce, and Theo. You started to cry harder. "Stop!" You shouted, crawling to the back of the stage, leaving Jerome at the front of it. You pulled your knees up to your chest, your dress covering you. "Stop!" You put your hands over your ears.

     Jim walked up to you and handcuffed you. "Y/N, you're going to Arkham." He said, pulling you out of the building, away from Jerome. You were too weak too fight, too heartbroken. "Jerome." You mumbled to yourself, only Jim being able to hear. Jim looked over to you with pity in his eyes. "I know, kid. I know." He said, continuing to pull you to the cop car. "Jerome." A single tear fell down your cheek.

I finally died
Which started the whole world living

     "Y/N, stop!" Jim shouted. You held a knife to Theo's neck and Jim and Harvey had their guns pointed at you. You had just broken out of Arkham, and only wanted to get revenge for Jerome. It had been long enough, you had been in there for 9 months. "He killed him!" You shouted. "He deserves it."

     "Put it down, Y/N, or we shoot." Harvey shouted to you. You laughed. "You think I care!? I want to die, Harvey! Shoot me! I'm gonna kill-" You felt a sudden pain rip through you. You looked down and saw multiple bleeding holes in your stomach. You looked back up, and dropped to the floor. A permanent smile left on your face. Just like Jerome.

     Everybody watching the news about your death was ecstatic. They could finally stop being scared, start living again. And they did. They began their lives again without Jerome Valeska and Y/N Y/L/N. They could go outside without fear. They were all living.

Oh if I'd only seen
That the joke
Was on me

Breaking News:

Jerome Valeska is back! Jerome Valeska has been resurrected by Dwight Pollard. Pollard has lead a secret cult following Jerome, and has successfully brought Jerome back from the dead. No one knows the whereabouts of Jerome, but the GCPD is doing their best to find him.

     Pollard tried to bring back Jerome for hours, but Valeska wouldn't wake up. Pollard not wanting to go back on his promise of bringing Jerome back, cut Mr. Valeska's face off, and wore it as a mask.

     Later, when Jerome's body was in the GCPD for examination, he came back. He tied Lee Tompkins up, and held her hostage, asking her questions about what has happened in the last year, helping him remember some of his memories from his last life, and of course asking where his face was.

     Jerome continued to go to the Gotham News Station, and kidnapped Pollard. Jerome has stapled his face back on, in an attempt to keep it on. Jerome has also blew up the building he was in, with Dwight in it, strapped to a lot of dynamite. As of now, his whereabouts and plans are unknown.

There are no known plans about Y/N Y/L/N being resurrected. As far as we know she is still dead. Valeska and Y/L/N were partners in crime, and lovers. We don't know if Jerome has any plans to try to bring her back, or if she will be left alone. Y/N was shot and killed by police 3 months ago after she attempted to murder Theo Galavan. Galavan was murdered a week later, resurrected a week after that, and was once agin killed a week later. We also have gained information that Theo Galavan was the secret leader of the Maniax, the murdering group containing 6 Arkham escapees, including Valeska and Y/L/N. It is yet to be known why Galavan killed a member of his own group of psychos.

After Y/L/N's death, some of her property was found. In her journal she wrote, "Jerome and I have this joke. Our joke is murder. We think it's a good one, but nobody seems to agree. This is why I love Jerome, because we are so much alike and so different at the same time. I just want to be with him forever. With our joke of course." If only Y/N knew then, that the joke was on her.

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