Chapter 11 - I Love You...

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Let's get started! Hope you all enjoy!

I hug Lucy tightly against my chest as we both cry in each other's arms. I wipe some tears away. May all those innocent people rest in peace.. Lucy suddenly chuckles. I again wipe my eyes of tears, but they just come back. "What's s-so funny?"

She nuzzles her face into my chest. "It's just that.. I've never seen you really cry. I thought you never had a soft spot, yet I was wrong." She brings her face out of my chest and wipes her tears away, then looks up at me. Her beautiful hazel orbs stare into mine. Man, you have no idea how much I love those gorgeous, mesmerizing brown eyes. Whenever I stare into them, I always space out and end up getting lost in them.

I try my hardest to break eye contact, but something wouldn't let me. So I just close my eyes and look away, a very noticeable blush spread across my face. "T-tch.. So what if I have a soft spot! At least I'm not like Gajeel and have no feelings for anything but himself!" At this point, my tears had already been dried up on my cheeks, it was still noticeable I was crying because of my red puffy eyes though. Lucy laughs at my comment, and that makes me laugh as well.

"Yeah, I guess that is true. But you can't make fun of him. He's just wanting to act manly in front of Levy!" She playfully slaps my shoulder and continues to laugh, but it slowly narrowed out into a small giggle. She yawns and lays herself against my chest. "All this crying has made me hungry and tired." She rubs an eye with the back of one her hands. Her eyes close slowly.

I move her bangs out of her face and kiss her forehead. "Hey, Lucy?" She replies with a tired hum. "わたしは、あなたを愛しています..." I say softly, but she didn't hear me, she was already asleep and dreaming happy dreams. I slowly and lighly lay down on my bed, putting my hand on her head so that it don't slide off my chest. I put the covers over us, then wrap my arms around her tightly, but not too tight to where she'd wake up.

The door opens, and reveals Emerald. She had a sword that was an unusual purple night sky color, it even had the stars on it. The purple on the sword got lighter as it reached the tip. She steps into the room. Seeing us this the position, it sent her face into a reddening rampage. She almost squeals, but I stop her with a hush. She nods in understanding. She walks to my bedside I was facing. "Miss Erza wanted to know what to do with the... dead bodies.." She whispers.

A lump in the throat builds itself, but I swallow it and remind myself that all I really need in life is Lucy. "Make them all a proper burial and funeral.." She nods and turns on her heel, walking out of the room while closing the door behind her. I take one last look at Lucy before falling asleep myself.


"Come on, Luce.. Faster!"

"I'm at trying! But in this stupid dress, I can hardly move at all!"

While Erza and the castle guards do the burial, I wanted to take Lucy to a special place I treasure most (besides being by Lucy's side). I groan. "Why do you wear dresses anyway? Why not a skirt or something?"

She pouts. "Because I grew up wearing dresses. So that means that dresses are all I have, you idiot!"

"We should go to a clothing shop later and get you different clothes, other than dresses then.. "

Hope you all enjoyed! Until next chapter, Little Fairies! Ja Ne!

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