Chapter 4 - Escape

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Let's get started! Hope you all enjoy!

I went to stand but the chains that connected me to the concrete floor were holding me back, the chains just were too short. "We need a plan to escape. Have any ideas?" I look at the two girls that were in the same cell as I. They start thinking, looking at their surroundings.

"What about that blue cat you had with you? He can sneak in and get us out." Lucy suggests.

I shake me head in disapproval. "No.. He doesn't know where we are at.." I look at Emerald who was still looking at her surroundings. "Emerald, have any ideas?"

She just looks around, eyebrows scrunched together and hugging her knees. "Since my chains are longer, then maybe they're more worn.." She mumbles to herself, grabbing one of the chains that were connected to the wall and pulled on it in opposite directions, giving it her all. The chain breaks and she suddenly falls back. She grabbes a broken in half chain piece and straightens it out. She goes up to the locked gate and shoves the chain piece in, turning it in different angles. We hear a click and the gate opens. "Yokata (good).." She let's out a sigh of relief. She comes over to me first and pulls on my chains. The bolts that were holding the chains to the floor fly out. She does the same with Lucy. How..?

We get up off the floor and dust out clothes off. Emerald holds the door open for us as we walk out of the cell. She walks out and locks it up again. "How were you able to break those chains!?" I ask in amazement. In the background, other people in other sells beg us to let them out. Emerald was about to answer, but someone cuts her off.

"Michelle!?" We hear Lucy nearly shout. We both look back and Lucy had her hands on a cell gate and worry is wiped all over her face. She was staring at a girl that was in a pink dress and was hugging her knees. The girl looks up slowly at Lucy. Once she realizes who it is, she jumps to her feet and stumbles to the iron gate. "Michelle, are you okay!?"

The edges of Michelle's mouth immediately curve upward. "Yeah. What about you Lucy-san? Are you okay?"

Lucy turns to us. "Emerald, can you get her out?" Emerald nods and unlocks the gate door. Michelle rushes out and hugs Lucy tightly. "Michelle, Sting told me you died. He said you got hit by a boulder on the way to the Dragonic Kingdom!"

Michelle shakes her head. "I guess Sting lied.. But what's with his sudden change of personality? He was never like this before.."

They continue their conversation while I talk with Emerald. "Well, any clue where my sword might be?"

"What kind of sword?"

"Legendary Fire Dragon Slaying."

We all walk out of the room, Michelle and Lucy trailing after. "Since it's a legendary sword, it will most likely be with the king. I don't think he wants anyone touching it. But he wouldn't be able to use it. The sword already has an assigned owner. And it can only be passed down to blood-related relatives. If he were to try and use it, the sword would make whatever it touches burn to ashes since it's a fire element sword." She explains pretty clearly. "If it were to stay far away from it's owner for too long, it will immediately appear in it's rightful owner's hands or in the holder it sits in. So you don't have to worry about the king using it against you in any way." She crouches her eyebrows together and mumbles under her breath. Something about getting her sword back as well? I don't know. We keep our voices low as we talk.

We turn a corner and a guard was there facing the other way. I quietly take him down by breaking his neck. I wince. "So," Emerald chuckles mischievously and gives me a sly smirk. "Do you like Lucy?" I can feel my face immediately burn at the mention of me liking Lucy. "I can see the way you look at her."

I quickly look back at Lucy to make sure she didn't hear any of that. I guessed she hadn't because she was still deep in her conversation with the girl she called Michelle. I turn back around. Still with a blushing face, I reply, "Y-yeah. That is practically the whole reason why this war started. I grown attached to her and.. kind of kidnapped her from her kingdom."

She hit the back of my head hard with her hand. "Are you an idiot!? You don't just steal a princess from a different kingdom! I mean, unless you're a freakin' sociopath!" She covers her mouth quickly at how loud she was. We stop walking as guards run into the hall, filling it up quickly. Emerald pulls all of us toward her. "Stay near me! I'll have this done in no time!" She clasps her hands together as if she were praying, then puts them out in front of her. A dark circle appears under us. "Ketsueki Kontorōru." All the castle guards stop in their tracks. "Sugata o Kesu!" They all fall on the floor, lifeless. All their faces were pail and filled with pain. Emerald grinned with accomplishment. "Yes! First time doing that spell and I already mastered it!" She jumps up and down in excitement.

Hope you all liked this chapter! Until next chapter, Little Fairies! Ja Ne!

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