Chapter 16 - Injuries

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Let's get started! Hope you all enjoy!

I look at Lucy, motioning to her that she should tell him, because if I open my mouth, I might throw up on the two. The carriage goes over a rock sticking out of the ground, making the whole carriage lean sideways. I look at Lucy to see if she was okay. She was scared out of her wits, and so was Happy. The carriage flips over, I was almost instantly sent into the ceiling of the carriage. My face smashes into the wood ceiling, feeling blood running down from my nose and on an injury on my lower lip. I hear a loud pop from my shoulder as it hits the ceiling. It all felt like it was all happening in a flash, because it practically did happen in just five seconds.

The carriage stops, only to be upside-down and on the side of the trail. My nose and lip pulses with pain and I can't even feel my left arm that got smashed, but my legs were fine. I look around for Lucy and Happy, to make sure nothing bad happen to them. But, just my luck. Happy was out cold, blood covered his leg and forehead. As for Lucy, she had it worse. She was still conscious, but half her body was under the debris of the carriage. A small pool of blood collecting under her. She looks at me hopefully, her body trembling with fear and pain. She spits out blood.

I slowly and painfully get to my knees, using my good arm to help me crawl out from under debris. I quickly grab Happy, putting him in my signature white scarf and secure him in it so he doesn't suddenly fall out of it. I crawl over to Lucy and pick her up with my good arm that was fully functional. Her blood stains my white overcoat, but I don't really care. All I really care about is getting Happy and Lucy to either Emerald, Wendy, or Porlysica. I sniff the air and almost immediately catch Wendy's scent.


"Wendy, how are they holding up?" I ask the small petite girl using her healing magic as she holds her hands over Lucy and her hands were glowing a light blue. She just had gotten done with Happy. Happy was as good as new, except for the blood that was on his tiny body.

She glances at me as she continues her job. "Happy seems to be fine. So does Lucy. Thank Mavis she only broke a rib and scrached a leg. If any worse, she would have died." I let out a breath I didn't notice I was holding and pick up the blue cat to wash him off in Wendy's hot springs she has just outside her house. I thank Mavis she didn't get anything worse than that, otherwise, what reason should I live for if Lucy isn't here on this planet with me? Wendy suddenly stops me for a moment. "Here." She grabs my bad shoulder with both hands and pops the socket back in place. I hiss in pain.

I murmur a thanks and walk out of her small house as I carry Happy. I set him down for a second while I dip a rag in the hot springs, ringing it out, leaving it warm and damp. I lightly pick Happy back up and softly scrub the blood off his blue fur. I look up to the sky. It's pretty dark. Lucy and I were supposed to have our date about an hour ago. I was pretty upset at the turn of events, and that the date was canceled.

Once I'm done scrubbing the blood off Happy, I carry him back inside and set him next to the unconscious Lucy, gently putting him under the covers of the bed in an extra room Wendy had here in her small cottage. There was no sign of Wendy in the room, so I crawl under the covers as well, making sure I didn't hurt either Happy nor Lucy. Wrapping my arms around Lucy's waist, I avoid touching her ribs. I kiss the top of her head and bid her a goodnight, although she is unconscious.


"Come on, Natsu. I want to! I can't be cooped up here all day. I need some fresh air, you idiot." Lucy complains, trying to get passed me and out the front door. But, being me, I am too stubborn to let her outside in a condition like that. Never in a thousand years would I let her go outside with a broken rib and scrached up leg. "And remember? You asked me on a date. We can go on that date now!"

I spread my arms out, guarding the door from letting her get through. "You don't know how tempting that is, Luce, but you have to heal before we can go on any dates. I wouldn't want you accidentally hitting something or someone to unintentionally elbowing you in the ribs only to have your injuries worsten." I assure in a protective way. "We just have to wait on that date until Emerald arrives to heal your injuries. Wendy isn't as experienced as Emerald, so she only healed enough to keep you alive and walking."

She crosses her arms and pouts adorably. "You idiot..." Pink was tainted on her cheeks as she looked away.

I put my arms around her. "I know, but it won't be long before she gets here. How about after she heals you fully, we'll go on an all-day date. Just the two of us. Happy can hang out with Carla, Wendy's exceed." She happily nods her head in acception with a bright, beautiful smile.

Hope you enjoyed! Until next chapter, Little Fairies! Ja Ne!

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