Chapter Forty-Nine

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Ella sat in the middle of the sofa in her living room, Sam on one side of her and Adrian on the other. After the incident with Chloe, Ella was lost and even though they'd all agreed to keep the relationships separate, Ella needed both of them. And after thinking on everything Chloe had said, she knew the three of them needed to talk about some things.

Sam handed her another tissue which she accepted gratefully. His arm was around her shoulder and Adrian's hand was resting lightly on her knee. Both of them were being very careful and extremely polite. As upset as Ella still was, she was also a little amused at their behavior.

"Are you okay?" Adrian asked.

Ella shook her head. "No, definitely not," she admitted. "My best friend just dumped me. No, I'm not okay."

"Just give Chloe some time, Ella," Sam said. "She'll come around. She probably just felt blindsided."

"I don't think so," Ella said. "She was just so...I don't know, like hurt by all this. I knew she'd be surprised but I didn't think she'd react so--," her voice broke and the tears started again.

Adrian looked over the top of Ella's head and raised his eyebrows, silently asking what they should do. Sam shrugged and shook his head. He didn't know. So Sam pulled her a bit closer and tried to comfort her while Adrian took her hand in his and kissed the back of it.

After a few minutes Ella managed to quiet down again. "She brought up some good points, you know," she said quietly. "People are going to talk. Sam, do you remember last year when that girl, Charlotte, she was a Junior I think, but everyone found out she'd cheated on her boyfriend? The things everyone said about her, they way they treated her? It was brutal. How are we going to handle that? Because it won't just be me everyone is talking about. It won't just be about me, the slut fucking two guys. It'll about you, too, the guys who are such pussies they don't do anything when their girlfriend is doing someone else and they know about it!"

"Ella, I don't care what anyone says or thinks," Sam said. He glanced at Adrian but wasn't about to hold back when Ella needed him. "I love you and that's all that matters."

"Really?" Ella asked. "Even when the nasty rumors, that just happen to be true, make their way to your parents? How will you convince them I'm anything but a selfish whore??"

"My parents love you!" Sam reminded her. "They would never believe such--," Sam stopped, realizing she was right. While it wasn't what everyone might think, it was still hard to explain.

"See?" she said. "This is going to be very, very messy."

Adrian cleared his throat. "Uh, there is a solution," he offered. "I mean, we are witches, Ella."

Ella looked at him, considering. "A glamour?" she asked after a moment.

Adrian nodded. "That or some other spell you create. I know you don't want to spell Chloe but I think we could pull something off to keep everyone in the dark and just keep her quiet. You could do that, right?"

Ella thought for a moment, nodding absently. "Yeah...I think so...I'd need to think on it for a little while and I'm sure I'd need some parents and Gran have told me that elaborate glamours usually take several witches working on it. But I imagine it could be done and maintained."

"How would that work for me?" Sam wondered. "The spell you use on me keeps me from remembering your a witch until I see you each time. Shit! What about when school starts? I see you every hour or so. Am I going to forget and remember every time?"

Ella hadn't thought of that but she also wasn't really worried. "Sam, I think I can lift that spell. I know you won't say anything. And even if you did...,"

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