Chapter Twenty-Seven

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After showering, Ella let her wavy hair air-dry around her shoulders. She knew Sam loved her hair down. She slipped into a bright blue sundress with nothing but a lacy pair of underwear underneath. She decided to go barefoot since they'd be staying in.

When Ella heard Sam's knock on the front door she trotted down the stairs and yanked it open. There Sam stood in a light gray t-shirt and darker gray shorts, the color making his own gray eyes look like storm clouds. She didn't know if he'd ever looked sexier.

Sam stepped inside and gave her a light kiss on the lips. Ella smiled at him. "We have the place to ourselves," she said, stepping closer to him.

"For how long?" Sam asked, kicking the door closed behind him and taking her in his arms.

"Oh, at least midnight," Ella said as her arms went around his waist.

Sam smiled and leaned down to kiss her, really kiss her then. Ella felt her knees weakening as things began to tighten low in her body. His hand stroked her thigh under the dress and she nearly shrieked with anticipation.

"Here," she breathed, leading him into the living room. "Now."

They quickly shed their clothes and Ella took the position of straddling Sam while he lay on the floor. He got the condom on quickly and the rest happened quickly, too. Ella came within moments and Sam right after.

She remembered the condom and climbed off him quickly so he could go down the hall to the bathroom and flush it. She met him at the stairs and they went to her room, leaving their clothes in a pile on the living room floor.

"That was nice," Ella said as they got into her bed. "I'd almost forgotten."

"Well, it has been nearly forty-eight hours," Sam reminded her and they laughed. He rolled onto his side and looked at her. "I missed you," he whispered as his fingers traced circles around her breasts and along her stomach.

"Mmmm," Ella said. "I missed you, too."

Sam kissed her then, a slow, deep kiss that she felt in every cell. She kissed him back just as slowly and deeply.

"God, Ella," Sam said. "I love you so much. I haven't been able to think of anything but you since I brought you home the other night."

"Me, too," Ella said in a small voice, feeling guilty that it wasn't the complete truth but now Sam's hand was gently stroking her inner thighs and rational thought was slipping away. "Touch me, Sam, please," she pleaded.

"I want to make love to you, Ella," he said.

"Yes," she said.

Sam ran his hands all over her body, ignoring her request to touch her where she wanted him to touch her. He continued to kiss her in that slow, deep way for a long time, moving his mouth to her breasts. When he finally slid his hand between her legs she was dripping wet.

She gasped at the instant thrill of pleasure she felt. She took him in her hand, finding him hard, ready. This time, she placed the condom on him, making him moan as she slid her tongue along the length of him first.

Then Ella lie back and pulled Sam on top of her, opening herself to him and guiding him in. He entered her so slowly and they moved together just as slowly. They kissed over and over as they moved and soon their rhythm picked up as the bed springs creaked.

Ella was overwhelmed with the pleasure. "OH! God, Sam, Yes!!" She wasn't able to form any words after that, just sounds of pleasure. Very loud sounds of pleasure and Sam was voicing his as well.

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