Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Ella and Jeremy decided to go to the clearing as soon as they got home. Sam would be coming over early this evening but they had several hours until then and Jeremy was curious to witness the interaction between Ella and Lamoreia.

Julietta stayed behind to await Rowena's return home so Ella and Jeremy set out together just after lunch. They made the walk mostly in silence but as they got closer to the clearing, Ella began to feel that pull again. She asked Jeremy if he felt it.

"I've always felt drawn here, as you did that first day," he told her. "But I don't feel it as something I can't resist necessarily."

Ella nodded. "Try," she suggested. "Try to resist it."

Jeremy gave her an odd look and nodded back. He stopped walking and stood in one place. At first he felt nothing. He shook his head. "I don't feel any-" but then his feet were moving towards the clearing again. He stopped again and looked at Ella again. "Okay, that was strange," he said. "I felt like I couldn't control myself for a moment. Even focusing, it's difficult."

"Really focus hard," Ella instructed. "Make the choice to not continue toward the clearing."

Jeremy closed his eyes and breathed slowly and deeply for several seconds, during which his legs twitched a few times but were eventually still. He opened his eyes and smiled that arrogant smile and took several steps towards Ella, who was farther away from the clearing. He stood firmly in front of her. "Incredible, Ella," he said. "I clearly felt the pull you speak of and it took all my mental effort to resist it. I've never felt that way before...but once I recognized it, it was clear that I was allowing myself to be pulled into the clearing."

"And you resisted it!" Ella said excitedly. "See, Lamoreia can't control us if we don't let her!"

"You seem to be resisting it more easily than I am," he noticed. "It's a bit challenging for me to stand in this spot and talk with you at the same time."

"I believe my power is already stronger than yours," Ella said carefully. "But maybe only a little! And I started out determined not to be controlled, remember?"

Jeremy nodded. "Your power is definitely greater than mine," he agreed. "And that is expected from what the portent told. But, I feel confident I can resist Lamoreia now that I know it's possible."

"Once we get to the clearing," Ella told him, "it's going to get ugly. I can already sort of hear her. And she's super pissed."

To her surprise, Jeremy grinned at her. "Then let's go," he said arrogantly. "Between the two of us, our power will outmatch hers."

Ella nodded. "I think so, too," she said. "But we have to be careful. We need to make sure we don't...I don't even know...leak power? If hers comes from ours, then, get the idea."

"Yes," he said. "So here's a already have shown you can release and pull back your power. But envision it as a line, like on a fishing pole. You can cast it out and then reel it back. You have total control over that. Let it out a little at a time and always be prepared to bring it back immediately."

"Coo!" Ella said, smiling. "How did you learn that?"

"Everyone has to learn that," he told her. "Otherwise the power can come out at inappropriate times, with people who aren't coven. It's dangerous, just like I told you before."

They continued on to the clearing, guarding their actions and not allowing themselves to be pulled. They even stopped every several times and stayed still. When they broke into the clearing, Ella staggered and Jeremy caught her. She had not fully been prepared for the force of Lamoreia's anger.

"I'm okay," she told Jeremy. "I just have never felt such anger before. I'm going to need to speak with her...stay close and shield your own power so she can't use it against me. I'm going to hold on tightly to mine, at least for now."

"Are you sure about this, Ella?" he asked. He shivered in the heat. "I can feel a bit of the anger you speak of. It's impressive."

"I have to do this, Dad," she said. "For myself and for the coven."

Jeremy nodded, very proud of his only child. "I'm right here," he promised. "I will not leave you or let you down."

She squeezed his hand then closed her eyes, took a deep breath and opened her mind to Lamoreia. Her head was instantly filled with insane rage, no coherent words, just deranged howling. Ella wanted to stagger again but dug in her heels and centered herself. She was determined to control this interaction.

"Lamoreia," she said softly. "Please stop shrieking. I will turn around and walk out of this clearing if you don't calm yourself."

There was one final shriek before she finally spoke. As if you could! You may do nothing that I do not allow!

"We both know that isn't true," Ella said. "My own power is strong enough to resist you. It was my power that resisted you before, with Adrian, and I am the one in charge now. Deal with it."

Your insolence is insulting! I have given this coven all the gifts they enjoy. Every power, every spell--all from me!! You risk losing it all, not just for yourself but for all of RavenFlight! I will not tolerate such behavior!

"I simply don't believe you," Ella said. "I think all this time, you have taken power from this coven, not the other way around. I don't believe we need you at all."

There was more disembodied screaming and Ella was growing bored with it. "Enough!" Ella screamed herself. "You are the one behaving like a selfish child. I am not afraid of you. I know there is nothing you can do to me or to anyone I love because I will not stand for it!"

There was silence for several moments and then Lamoreia spoke in a very soft voice, seething with hatred. You may have made such choices, child. But what of the rest of the coven? I see my lovely Jeremy with you. Does he understand the dangerous things you are doing. Does he have the same confidence as you that I cannot deliver severe punishment upon whomever I choose?"

"My father knows who the next Supreme Master is," Ella told her. "He trusts me and the power I possess and will stand with me. Soon all of the coven will know of your deceit and will stand against you, too."

Lamoreia laughed. Do not be so sure, little Ella. My witches have been devoted to me for centuries. They will not turn away so easily.

"We'll see," Ella said. "And you need to know exactly who you're dealing with." Ella let go of her hold on her power, let it flow from her outward. She heard Jeremy gasp at the sudden surge as she pushed it hard at Lamoreia then immediately pulled it back.

Once again, she heard Lamoreia shrieking in anger. But she also felt her retreat.

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