Chapter Nineteen

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 After a quick lunch with her mom (Jeremy had gone into town to do some work at the bank. Even though it was Saturday and the bank closed early, as manager, he had access to the building. Ella was sort of surprised to find she'd already gotten used to Jeremy being around and was a little disappointed he wasn't there.) Ella filled an insulated bottle with water and headed to the clearing. Her mother had offered to go with her but Ella had declined. She understood now that her connection with Lamoreia and her status as the next Supreme Master enabled her to explore her magic and perform spells without any assistance. She knew there were probably still some things she'd need guidance on, but she could practice glamours on her own.

She walked slowly through the woods, in no hurry. She had her MP3 player with her and was listening to music as she enjoyed the summer day. It was hot but a little less humid and the walk was not unpleasant. Just like before, the closer she got to the clearing the stronger the pull was. She found herself walking more quickly, feeling a sense of urgency, a need to get to Lamoreia.

Once she broke through the tree line into the clearing she felt relieved to be there. It oddly felt like home to her. She sat her water bottle down on the ground and immediately started with the spells, changing weeds to wild flowers and rocks to toads.

She was deeply involved in listening to the whispers of Lamoreia, absorbing the words for another spell and didn't hear the sound of approaching footsteps.

"Well, it must be my lucky day," Adrian said. "I wasn't expecting to have any company here."

Ella spun around at the sound of his voice and was immediately angry. "What the fuck are you doing here?" she demanded.

Adrian snickered and smirked at her. "Such language," he observed. "Where did a sweet girl like you learn to talk like that."

Ella crossed her arms across her chest. "What makes you think I'm sweet?" she asked. "You don't know anything about me."

"I know you're RavenFlight," he said. "Just like me. There aren't many witches in our coven our age. You should be happy to have a friend."

"You're not my friend," she told him flatly. "We don't even really know each other."

"I know you're the daughter of Julietta Jamieson and Jeremy Llewellyn," he told her. "And that you are going to ascend to the position of next Supreme Master."

Ella's eyebrows raised, clearly surprised. "How did you know that?"

Adrian laughed. "Everyone in the coven knows. It was a portent, you know? Kind of a big deal."

"So how long have you known?" Ella asked him. "That you're a witch?"

"For a little over two years," he said and paused. "But the next Full Moon Circle will be my first. Well, I guess the Circle next week to announce your ascension will be my first."

"'ve never been involved in the..." Ella reddened, not able to finish the sentence.

"The Ritual of Union?" he asked and laughed again. "No, and I don't know that I'm looking forward to it. At all."

Ella burst out laughing, surprised but unable to stop it. "I know, right? I mean how weird is all of this?"

"Weird," Adrian agreed. "But I like the spells and the benefits. My family's grocery store probably would've failed a long time ago if it weren't for the gifts of Lamoreia."

Ella nodded. "Yeah, I guess I owe her some thanks, too."

"You don't sound convinced," he said.

Ella shrugged. "Just seems like she demands too much," she said softly. "You know, all the sex stuff."

Now Adrian shrugged. "The way I hear it, we have no choice," he looked levelly at her, the smirk back on his face. "But I guess if I have to be a part of it it's nice to know I have a choice between some flabby fifty year old...and you." His eyes did that slow travel along her body.

And just like that, Ella was back to being angry. "Excuse me?" she said. "Let's get some things straight here. First, your arrogance is not attractive. Trust me when I say you wouldn't even make the list of who I might fuck during the Ritual of Union. Second, I am Supreme Master, or will be very soon, and you will not talk to me like that. Got it?"

Adrian seemed totally unaffected by her words, still smirking. "Is there a third point?" he asked.

"Actually," Ella told him. "There is. And a fourth. Third, as Supreme Master, I intend to change things. That whole free-for-all orgy thing is going to change. No one in this coven should have to perform in such perverted ways. And fourth, get it through that handsome head of yours that I have a boyfriend, and we are serious. You haven't got a chance. So stop making a fool of yourself."

"You think I'm handsome?" Adrian asked, the smirk turning into a full smile.

"What?" Ella asked. Then she remembered her words and reddened again. Why did I say that? She wondered. Then she understood. She pressed her lips together and curled her hands into fists, stomping her foot. "Lamoreia!" she hissed. And she heard soft laughter in her head.

You cannot fight this, my dear Ella. Adrian is so very desirable, and I long to receive his pleasure as my payment. He wants you, child. He is a worthy lover. It is my wish for the two of you to be intimate. It will happen.

"Over my dead body!" Ella spat.

"Who are you talking to?" Adrian asked, confused. He looked around to confirm no one else was in the clearing.

"You will NOT control me!" Ella shouted.

Adrian was worried she was having some kind of fit. "Ella? What't wrong? What's going on?"

Ella spun to face him. "What's going on?" she repeated. "Let me tell you. Lamoreia, that depraved bitch, is trying to push us together. And I'm not having it!"

"Huh?" Adrian asked, more confused than ever. "Lamoreia is here?" He looked around again but saw no one.

"Of course she is," Ella said. "She's always here, and I'm connected to her. I can communicate with her."

Adrian rubbed his chin absently. Ella noticed how his well-toned bicep flexed and would have kicked herself if she could have. "That's weird," he finally said. "I didn't know any of the witches could do that."

"They can't," Ella confirmed. "Just me, apparently. Part of being the next, the last Supreme Master. Oh, and immortal, too."

Adrian just blinked at her. "Well," he finally managed. "You just get more and more interesting, don't you?"

Ella gave him an impatient, disgusted look. "And you just become more and more of an ass!" She turned around, intending to grab her water bottle and go home, to get as far away from Adrian, Lamoreia and the clearing as she could.

But then some really weird things began to happen.

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