Chapter Twenty-One

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As they made their way through the woods back towards the farmhouse, Ella began to feel the aftermath of practicing so many spells and the encounter with Lamoreia. She slowed her pace, the exhaustion growing. She sipped her water, wishing she'd thought to bring a snack.

Adrian noticed she had slowed down. "Are you okay?" he asked.

Ella glanced at him. He'd been unusually quiet since they'd left the clearing. "I should probably be asking you that question. I'm sorry you became sort of collateral damage back there."

Adrian shrugged. "That was pretty fucked up but I'm okay," he said. "Just really fucking confused."

"Well, I don't think I can explain much just yet," Ella said. "I have some theories, but I need to talk with my parents first."

"What you did back there," Adrian said. "Standing up to messed up, right? I mean, you maybe just royally screwed the whole coven?"

Ella shook her head. "I don't think so," she said slowly. "Like I said, I have some theories...but she was pissed. Don't you think if she could have she would have punished me immediately?"

"I don't know," Adrian said, stopping. "Let's rest a minute. You look like you could use it."

Ella stopped with him. "Think about it," she said. "Lamoreia is supposed to be this all-powerful being. The one who basically makes RavenFlight all that it is, gives us knowledge for the spells, all our power, etcetera. And I just disobeyed her, blatantly. Why did she just let me walk away?"

Adrian shook his head. "I don't know," he said again. "All I know is I've never felt so out of control, and not in a good way. Don't get me wrong, you are fucking hot, Ella, and I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't mind seeing what it would be like with you...but, that? Back there? That was just messed up. You're sexy as hell, but I don't ever want to be...I don't know...mind-fucked like that again."

Ella had an amused smile on her face. "Umm, well, thanks, I guess...I think those were compliments, sort of," she said. "But, I told you-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, 'never gonna happen'," he said, smirking again, the swagger coming back. Then he turned serious. "But, uh, thanks, for taking charge and stopping it. I wouldn't want it to happen like that. With you or anyone else."

Ella nodded. "I'm glad I was able to fight her," Ella said. She looked down, blushing. "Look, Adrian, you're pretty hot, too, okay? But I have a boyfriend. And I love him. I don't intend to have sex with anyone else. You get that, right?"

He looked at her for a long moment then sighed. "Yeah," he said. "I get it. But could you do something for me, like a favor, I guess?"

Ella raised her eyebrows, wondering what on earth he could want from her. "Maybe," she finally said. "What do you have in mind?"

"Well, actually, it's two things. First," he took a breath. "If it comes down to it, during the next Circle, if we can't resist her, and we have to be a part of the ritual...can we make a choose each other? I really don't want to think of going down on some fat, middle-aged soccer mom."

Ella exploded with laughter. "Oh, god, you are really gross!" she said. "What's the second thing?"

"Promise me you will do everything you can to make sure you don't have to make good on the first favor. If we ever did get together, I'd want it to be for real."

Ella's laughter quieted, and she smiled at him and took his hand, gave it a squeeze. "That's a deal," she agreed. "But-"

"I know," Adrian said. "Never gonna happen."

They both laughed. "Come on back to my house," Ella said. "You can stay for dinner. We can talk to my parents about all this."

They started towards the farmhouse once again, both of them surprised at what seemed to be friendship blossoming between them.

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