Chapter Twenty-Nine

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After sharing the simple meal of frozen pizza and tossed salad, talking very little through it all, they decided to go out to the back porch where the storms did indeed seem to be moving in. Ella again saw it as a positive sign that Sam was still here.

They sat on the wicker loveseat, just like she'd sat with Adrian last night. She pushed that thought aside and looked at her boyfriend. "When we first met Adrian," she started, "at the arcade the other night, I didn't like him. I thought he was an arrogant jerk."

Sam said nothing but at least he was looking at her and she detected none of that smoldering rage she'd encountered earlier.

"But," she continued, "I felt this weird sense of...protectiveness toward him. I didn't know why at the time but after finding out he was part of the coven, it sort of makes sense now."

She took a sip of her lemonade, trying to figure out how to explain it all. "Sam, when I'm with you, I'm only with you. Earlier...when you first got here, then upstairs, it was just you. Even now, talking about Adrian, he's not on my mind. He's just part of the story."

Sam shrugged. "Okay," he said flatly.

"Okay...but last night, when he kissed me...," she paused just a moment. "Well, in those moments, it was all about what I was feeling with him. I need you to know, though, that the moment he stopped, I was thinking of you and how wrong it was to be kissing another boy."

"But you kept doing it," he said sarcastically.

She nodded. "Yeah," she admitted, "I did. Sam, I think that because Adrian is RavenFlight, I'm sort of pulled to parents have told me that coven members often form relationships because it's so complicated to be with someone not in the coven. Because we're never supposed to tell about it."

Sam simply looked at her levelly, waiting for her to continue.

"I told you about the coven because I love you and I don't want to keep secrets from you. And I told you about Adrian for the same reason."

Sam was silent for so long that Ella started to get worried the anger was coming back. It was dark and she couldn't really see his face anymore.

"Is there more, Ella?" he asked. "Or are you finished."

"I have more, but only if you want to hear it," she said.

Sam sighed deeply. "I've come this far, so go ahead, I guess."

"I don't want to lose you, Sam," Ella said. "And I won't lie to you and tell you that I feel nothing for Adrian. I don't know if I can fight that pull. I have a destiny with this coven, that's undeniable. I don't know yet if Adrian is a part of that but I think he might be. But there's one thing I know for sure, Sam, and that's that I want you to be a part of my destiny, too."

"I'm not sure what you're saying," Sam said. "Are you suggesting you, me and Adrian...what, form some kind of threesome??"

Ella blanched. "What? No! Of course not! That's...," she thought of the things she saw in the clearing that first night. "Ugh, no. Trust me, no."

"So, then...?"

Ella took a deep breath. "Do I really have to say it?"

Sam gave her a surprised and slightly aggravated look. "Really, Ella?" he said. "Yeah, you have to have the fucking balls to say it if you really want me to consider it."

She nodded. "Yeah, okay, that's fair," she said. "So, would you consider seeing both of you?"

Sam pressed his lips together and closed his eyes. "And by seeing you mean...what, exactly?"

Ella was getting a little pissed that he was making her spell everything out but she realized she deserved that and a lot worse. She took a moment to control the beginnings or her own anger. She wasn't entitled to it. "Nothing changes between us...we go out, we do all the same things we do now. Including having incredible sex as often as possible."

Sam couldn't help but grin briefly. "It is incredible. So what happens between you and Adrian?"

"If he agrees," she started, "then I start spending time with him, too. And see what happens."

"And that could include sex," Sam said, a statement, not a question.

Ella nodded. "Yes, Sam, it could and likely would based on how I felt last night. I'm not saying this to hurt you more but like I said before, I don't want to have any secrets if I can help it."

Sam hung his head and Ella thought he'd never looked so miserable, so defeated. "You know what, Ella?" he said. "This is so fucking unfair! What do you think gives you the right to put this on me, to ask me to share you with another guy?"

"You're right," Ella said. "It's unfair. And for the record, I know I have no right to ask you this. But I'm selfish and I don't want to lose you."

He finally looked up at her and Ella was heartbroken to see tears shining in his eyes. She hadn't seen him cry since Kindergarten when he fell off the monkey bars and broke his arm.

"Fuck you, Ella," he said. "Just...fuck you." He stood up and walked to the edge of the porch.

Ella remained where she was, her own tears streaming silently down her cheeks. She couldn't move. She was going to have to use the spell and she didn't know how she'd live with herself but she knew she couldn't live without him, not now.

And then Sam turned to face her. She braced herself, once again readied her spell.

"Fuck you and fuck Adrian, but yeah," he said. "Yeah, we're gonna do this because you are still the only girl for me. I won't give you up without one hell of a fight."

Ella was speechless. Then she stood and ran to him leaping into his arms. He caught her, stumbling a bit. She pressed her lips to his, kissing him with such force she thought their lips might bleed but he kissed her back just as forcefully. After a long moment, he carefully set her back on the porch floor and held her at arm's length.

"Just know this," he said, stroking her hair. "I don't want to see or know about any of it. I don't want to see you with him and I don't want to hear, from your or anyone else, about anything that goes on between the two of you. I'd rather pretend that nothing's changed."

She nodded, still crying.

"And one more thing," he said, pulling her close. "You're my girl. You got that? If he tries to take you from me, he's going to fucking regret it."

Ella shivered at the look on his face, seeing he meant it and she thought, witch or not, Adrian should watch his back.

He was still in just his boxers and Ella had on only the t-shirt she'd hastily grabbed earlier. Sam yanked it over her head, rendering her naked. He pushed down the boxers, kicked them off. Ella leaned forward, kissing his chest and running her hands over his stomach.

"I want you so much," she whispered, dropping to her knees. He wasn't completely erect yet so she took him into her mouth, sucking, feeling him grow more and more rigid.

Sam groaned deeply, pushed her way, pulled her up. They stumbled back to the love seat and somehow managed to make the narrow space work. Ella crossed her ankles across Sam's back as he thrust into her with enough force to almost hurt but it didn't hurt. It was deep and intense and her orgasm was surprising in it's intensity. Sam kept going, slowing down, becoming more gentle, kissing her soflty.

"I love you, Ella," he said. "Enough to do anything for you, even this."

"I know," she said, gasping as she felt another orgasm building. "I love you, too."

Ella came again and Sam let go and came, too. Moments later, they both realized they'd not used a condom.

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