Chapter Thirteen

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 Ella discovered that the spells were actually pretty easy. As she'd suspected, the language was already a part of her. It was like muscle memory, almost. She learned that to do an illusia the same series of words was repeated three times with other words interspersed which told the spell what to do.

"So for a calming illusia like the one Gran and I used on you yesterday, it would go like this," Julietta said. "--I'll use Jeremy for this—beliah griloah posida Jeremy beliah griloah posida Jeremy beliah griloah posida Jeremy."

Jeremy sat at the kitchen table with them, and he did seem very calm. "We don't usually use spells on each other, and when we do it is always for good reason, for healing or comforting someone who is grieving, things like that."

Ella fingered the medallion her father had presented her with before they'd gotten started. It was smaller than her mother's and rather plain, just a small metallic disc with some etchings on it. After last night and working the spell this morning on her parents, she knew she didn't need the medallion but she instinctively felt keeping that knowledge to herself for now was best.

"May I use you?" she asked her mother, who nodded. Ella held the medallion between her fingers and repeated the words, using her mother's name in place of Jeremy's. Julietta sat back in her chair and was completely relaxed. "It seems wrong that the spells should work on members of the same coven," Ella ventured.

Jeremy nodded. "As I said, we only use specific spells for certain things on each other...the reason these illusias are working on us now is that we are allowing them to. We have chosen to open ourselves to the spells. An illusia would typically not work on us."

Ella had a moment to wonder how her spell, called a cloaking spell, a vagueria, designed to keep something hidden, was working on them. She made the assumption it was something to do with her Supreme Master status. "Are you, as a Supreme Master, able to use spells on coven members?" she asked Jeremy.

He nodded again. "Yes, it's one of the benefits—and responsibilities—that comes with the position. A Supreme Master has to be stronger than the rest of the coven. So that his or her position may not ever be challenged," he explained. "However, we are expected to use that power wisely and not let it go to our heads. We musn't ever abuse it."

Ella nodded back. "Okay, so what else?" they had been at this for about two hours. Ella had learned basic healing spells, spells to detect deceit and danger and what was involved with a glamour. Her parents had explained that a spell as large as that would involve some practice, and she was eager to try it.

"We can go to the clearing and let you practice a glamour or two," Julietta said. "It will be easier for your first attempts as Lamoreia resides there. Her power will be somewhat accessible and will assist you until you get more comfortable."

"There are also spells that can help with the management of finances and business...they aren't meant to amass wealth without working for it, but they are used for guidance with purchases and investments, savings and such. And we have spells to help ensure the success of crops as many of the RavenFlight witches have been farmers over the centuries."

"There are some spells that can be cast with just one word, sometimes even just a thought," Julietta continued. "Sometimes we need to be able to work a spell very quickly. So imagine if you were alone on a dark street and someone menacing was approaching you. You could say Reversila and the person would merely turn around and walk away."

"Or," Jeremy said. "You could say Inlaviazeh and they would no longer be able to see you."

"Paytrocuhl would make them ask you for directions then go wherever you told them."

"That is so cool!" Ella said.

"But again," Jeremy cautioned. "Not to be abused."

Ella nodded. "And you said new spells will be coming. Given to me to share."

"Yes," Jeremy confirmed. "And with all we have already, it's very exciting to wonder what is to come."

"So...can witches in our coven harm anyone?" Ella asked. "I don't want to be able to harm anyone."

"Only the Supreme Master has such power," Jeremy said. "And it is not something we readily have at our disposal. If Lamoreia feels harm needs to come to anyone, she will provide the power and the knowledge of the spell at that moment."

"I'm not sure I understand," Ella said.

"Once, a long time ago," Julietta said, "the Supreme Master before Jeremy was in Chicago. He was mugged. Jumped from behind by two young men. Lamoreia immediately gave him a spell that caused both men to suffer broken legs without ever being touched, and for the Supreme Master to escape, unharmed."

"Wow," Ella said with real appreciation. "But if I am really going to be immortal, I won't ever need anything like that. Will I?"

"We honestly don't know, Ella," Jeremy told her. "My guess would be that such a spell would be given, through you, to protect others."

Ella thought on that a moment. "That's good, I guess. I would certainly want to protect anyone in danger if I could."

"Your compassion and sense of decency will make you a fair and just Supreme Master," Jeremy told her. "And your strength will demand respect. You truly are meant for this position."

"Thanks, I guess," Ella replied, blushing. "I do intend to do my best. But I stand by my decision about the sex stuff."

Jeremy bowed his head. "As you see fit. These are choices only you can make now. And as a coven, we will be governed by your decisions as much as by Lamoreia's demands."

Ella shook her head emphatically. "No. It's not going to be like that. I told you things will change."

"That's a topic we'll just have to revisit at a later time," Jeremy said. "I, as your mother does, trust you to not be intentionally foolish. We will have to see how Lamoreia responds."

"Okay, let's go to the clearing. I want to do one of these glamour deals."

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