Chapter Ten

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 Ella pulled out of Sam's embrace, trying to catch her breath. They were parked near the creek that ran behind Ella's house and had been kissing for long enough that her lips were almost sore.

"Wow," Sam said. "Ella, that was something."

"Uh huh," she agreed. "Can we take a minute, though? I'm feeling...I don't know...just weird, I guess."

Sam looked at her with concern, his brow furrowed. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Is it the stuff with your family?"

As Ella looked at him, her heart fluttered. Sam had sandy blonde hair and gray eyes and he was without a doubt a catch, the boy all the girls whispered about, and he was hers. And she knew he only wanted her. She didn't know where to start, knowing she couldn't really tell him anything anyway.

"Sam, I need to ask you something, and I really want the truth," she started. "And I don't care either way, I just need to know."

"Okay," he said with a shrug. "Shoot."

"Sex," she said. "Have you? Ever?"

Sam laughed. "No, Ella," he said. "I've been after you all this time, remember?"

" was no one at any summer camp or over Christmas vacations or anything when you weren't around?"

He shook his head. "Nope, I promise."

"Okay. And is it...I don't know...important to you that I'm a virgin, too?"

Sam frowned. "Important?" he repeated. "Not the word I'd's cool that you are, that it'd be the first time for both of us, together...why? Are you trying to tell me you're not virgin?"

Ella shook her head. "How would you feel, though, if I wasn't?"

"I love you, Ella," Sam said with a shrug. "It wouldn't matter. Unless you'd cheated on me. I mean, that'd suck. A lot."

Ella nodded. "I agree, it would. And I haven't, Sam. I am a virgin. I just wanted to know how you felt about it all."

Sam moved closer to her, kissed her neck. "Well, how I feel about it is that I'd like to do something about it." His mouth moved to hers and began kissing her again.

Ella opened her mouth, welcoming his tongue, letting her body feel it all. Sam's hand slipped under her tank top, reached around back to unhook her bra. She let him slide it down so that his hand could cup her breast. She moaned softly at his touch. He pushed her back gently until they were both laying across the seat of the car.

Ella's hands grabbed the edge of his t-shirt and pulled it up over his head. She tossed it to the floor of the car and then caressed his bare back. She could feel his evident excitement against her leg and she tugged at his zipper, sliding it down so she could get her hand inside.

Sam gasped when she took him in her hand and soon after, he cried out as he came. She had managed to wriggle his shorts down enough so that her hand and stomach took the brunt of the mess.

"Shit," Sam whispered. "Ella, that felt so good! But I thought maybe we were going to..."

"Sam, I want to," Ella said. "I really do. But I'm feeling confused about it right now. I'm sorry."

Sam kissed her then. "Don't be," he assured her. "I like when you do that. I definitely want to do more, but I'm not gonna rush you."

Ella realized at that moment that at some point Sam had managed to get her tank top off, and it and her bra were gone. She closed her eyes a moment, loving the way her bare breasts felt, pressing against Sam's bare chest. She sighed and wiggled against him. This was her, all her, what she was feeling, she was sure of it. This wasn't any power, and there was no interference. Every thought, every sensation was hers and hers alone.

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