
95 7 13

Late January, 2001

Julietta Jamieson pulled her wool coat tighter around her body, snuggled the knit cap further down over her blonde hair to cover her ears. It was twilight and it was cold in the clearing. She had just given Jeremy the news and he was pacing excitedly.

"You're certain?" Jeremy Llewellyn asked for at least the fifth time. "There's to be no mistake?"

At 26 years old, four years older than Julietta, Jeremy always spoke in an almost formal way, as if he were living in a time long past. She usually found it amusing, even endearing but right now she was cold and just wanted to get back to the warm farmhouse. Her mother, Rowena, had seen it almost immediately. Julietta had not needed a doctor and she'd not needed to pee on any stick to know she was pregnant.

"Yes, Jeremy," she answered him, yet again. "It's for sure. Mama confirmed it with the ritual." Ritual seemed a rather pretentious name for it. Julietta had merely swirled her finger in a cup of chamomile tea thick with fresh cream. The pale tan liquid had gone from slightly pink to nearly fuschia within seconds—pregnant.

"Amazing!" Jeremy exclaimed. "Just as the portent said! You realize what this means, Juli?"

She felt a small tug at her heart. He almost never called her Juli, it was always Julietta. It was usually only during intimate moments that he used the nickname. "I understand," she said softly. She knew this was what was suppose to happen, that she was a vital part of it but..."Jeremy," she said, her voice shaking, "Have you ever know...what it would be like if this wasn't a portent? I mean, before, when we were kids, before we knew? Didn't you think you would be older, married?" She paused, not sure if she could say the next part. "...that you would be in love?"

Jeremy stopped pacing and took a seat next to her on the log she was sitting on. He took her hand in his and she held back a gasp. His touch was heat to her skin, igniting a burning deep inside her. "Julietta, that life is not for us right now," he said gently. "But you have to know, you must know that I desire you! Even now, here, I would take you if it weren't so cold."

"But you don't love me," she said. It wasn't a question. She knew she loved him, would do anything for him, which she had of course now proven to him. And would soon prove to the entire coven. The Full Moon Circle would be in just a few days and the announcement would be made.

Jeremy looked deep into her pale blue eyes, his deeper blue ones burning into her soul. "I cannot, you know this! I am not permitted. It is our way."

Jeremy was Supreme Master of the RavenFlight Witches coven. To love a witch of his own coven while being Supreme Master was strictly prohibited. Julietta did know this but it left her bitter. Sure, she thought, He can fuck me until the freaking cows come home but love? No, never that.

She looked back into those burning blue eyes, like sapphire with dancing flames in the center. "Yes, Jeremy, I do know all of this," she calmly replied. "And what about Andrea and Megan and Charlotte? Cindy, Dana? Do you desire them, too?" She couldn't keep the bitterness from her voice.

Jeremy sighed. "Juli, you know how this works," he began, dropping that formal nature for a moment. "As Supreme Master I am expected, required to both give and receive pleasure from as many of the women in our coven as I am able. It's what Lamoreia demands, the payment for our power and all the things we receive from her," he squeezed her hand. "But I don't see the others as I do you. I do what I must but only you do I truly desire." He stood up and began to pace again.

"It's exciting, Juli!" he cried. "You will give birth to a daughter who will one day become the new Supreme Master. The portent speaks of the great power she will have, the power she will bring to the RavenFlight Witches. And once she comes of age and begins her ascension, then, Juli, then we can be together as husband and wife, if that's still what you want. Then we can speak of love."

Julietta remembered her own coming of age and learning of who she truly was. For her it had happened at sixteen. That was the first time she and Jeremy had been intimate with each other. He was experienced and had already known. Their sexual intimacy had taken her from child to woman in a matter of minutes and she had been sworn into the coven. It wasn't always about sex-- really, any loss of innocence could initiate the process but for her, it had been losing her virginity to Jeremy. She had loved him, even then. She understood that their union was also part of the portent, that she herself was a part of it and that certain expectations were on her shoulders, as well. But she couldn't help but wish it was different. She loved her power and all that came with it but she often wondered about a simpler life.

She patted the log, indicating he should come sit with her again and he obliged her. She reached a hand out and touched his cheek. "Okay, then," she said. "If I can't have your love, the least you could do is fuck me." She smiled seductively, took his hand and slipped it inside her coat, placed it over her breast.

His eyes burned even brighter. "Here? Now, in the cold?" he asked but her hand was already doing things he would not be able to resist. He groaned and pulled her to him. 

She lifted her skirt, let him pull her panties off. She straddled him as they kissed, unbuckled his belt and released him. He was already completely erect.

She eased herself onto him as he pushed up her sweater and used his mouth on her breasts. The rest happened quickly, given the cold. Julietta gasped and cried out first, then Jeremy threw his head back and groaned as he finished inside her. 

Later, they were at the edge of the woods, preparing to part. She could see the lights of the farmhouse from here. "So we tell the coven in three days," she said. "Will it be you who makes the announcement?"

"Yes," he said with a smile. "It will be the grandest Full Moon Circle since my birth," he said proudly.

She rolled her eyes at him. "Oh, you are so arrogant!"

His eyes burned once more, frighteningly so and his smile thinned out. She was never afraid of him but she understood why others of the coven were. He was powerful and knew it. "My arrogance is just one of the many things that keeps you so wet for me," he whispered. He kissed her then, a deep, devouring kiss that a left her weak and gasping.

Well, she thought, He's not wrong on that.

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