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I am going to first apologise for the hospital scenes being too dragged out, I’m trying to shorten it so if anything seems off or unrealistic that’s why because I’m rushing to get a different setting for you, and secondly enjoy this chapter I hope it is a little more interesting that the other chapters :)


After talking for hours on end the doctors finally asked Justin to go back to his room for further scans and tests, which he did without argument, something quite new for Justin.

Just before he walked out of the room he stopped in the doorway to turn around and wink at me, classic Justin style, unlike his unusual amount of sincerity towards me the last day or so.

We had a rough patch of history we needed to patch up that we haven’t yet; I wanted to bring it up while we were talking but I just didn’t think it was the right time seeing that he was still quite sick and we were stuck in this stupid hospital.

Looking around me I could see why so many people that I knew that had to stay in the hospital at one point or another for a few nights said they hated it, there was nothing appealing about it.

Everything was white and just glancing at things around me it was saddening and dull, as soon as I possibly could I was getting out of here, but only if Justin was coming with me.

Before I could possibly think any more about how dismal this room was someone knocked on the door.

“Come in!” I sung out, seeing my nurse walk in with charts in her hand. “Hello Nurse Kaitlin”

Smiling cheerfully she replied, “Good afternoon Miss Adams, how did your talk with Mr Bieber go?”

“It went well, I hope he is going to be alright though”, sorrow ringing through my words, and I think she noticed that.

“He will be just fine, no need to worry, the other doctors are taking some extra tests now just for safety precautions but I expect nothing but the best for Mr Bieber”

“Thankyou Nurse Kaitlin, it means a lot”, smiling I lifted myself up slightly and shuffled about trying to get comfortable.

Nodding she responded, “My pleasure and please, just call me Kaitlin”

Smiling I nodded back my reply.

She walked towards me, asking me to lean forward as she fluffed up my pillows to make sure I was extra comfortable, at the end of the bed there was a plastic slot that held lots of charts.

Opening her own up she read a few things before putting it with the others and pulling out another one, once again opening and reading, jotting down a few things then turning to begin leaving the room.

“Uh before you leave Kaitlin…” I began, speaking loud enough to catch her attention and stop her in her tracks.

Turning her body around to face me she lightly smiled, “Yes Miss Adams?”

“Please, just call me Bella”

Chuckling slightly she bowed her head, “Ha ha, alright, what is it you wanted me for?”

“If you hear anything about Justin can you please let me know right away, I would keep track of how he is doing on my own but I obviously can’t in my state”, glancing down at my limp body lying on the bed underneath a few blankets before looking back up to see her nod.

“Understandable, if I catch anything I will come right back to tell you”


Dipping her head slightly she twisted on her feet and walked out of the door, a kick in her step.

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