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“Morning sunshine”, he smirked at me as I made my way slowly down the stairs, “You sleep well?”

Confusion written all over my face, I couldn’t help but forget his name.

“Something wrong?” he furrowed his eye brows slightly shifting in his seat as I reached the bottom on the stairwell.

Smiling reassuringly after quickly realizing he was Red I answered lightly, “No, nothing at all”

Returning the smile he got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen, gesturing with his hand for me to follow.

Gladly accepting his request I walked through the sliding doors, fast following behind Red I laid my eyes on a huge kitchen, the guys sitting around the table on the other side of the room, including Justin.

He turned to face Red before he moved out of the way revealing me behind him, causing him to immediately look away, staring down at the table.

“You hungry?” Red spoke up, bending his head down sideways to catch my attention noticing my gaze at Justin.

Snapping my head towards him before smiling, “Yeah”, I walked over and jumped up to sit myself up on the kitchen bench behind Red, “starving!”

“Great, you aren’t here long and I don’t want to send you home hungry”, he smiled at me before continuing, “It’s the least I can do”

Huh, this guy was so much nicer than I expected, I guess I probably shouldn’t judge on first looks.

“Cook me something kitchen bitch”, Marcus laughed before seeing Red wasn’t happy with his comment his face dropped.

“Why don’t you get off your fat ass and cook something your own fucking self”, he hissed shooting Marcus a dirty look.

Oops, spoke too soon.

“Calm down man, I was joking”, Marcus chuckled, clearly not affected by his sudden mood swing.

“Whatever”, Red hissed back, giving Marcus one last look before turning back to face me, “What do you eat?”

‘I’ll eat anything at this point”, I giggled lightly, smiling at Red before taking another glance over at Justin.

“Easy, bacon and eggs it is then aye boys”, he turned his head around to look behind him, a huge grin on his face awaiting the guys to answer.

“Hell yeah”, the said in unison, some fist pumping the air.

I’ve never seen people get so happy over breakfast before!

Red looked over at Justin, the only one staying quiet, “Yo Bieber, you want any of this man?”

Justin glanced up, nodding politely at Red before flicking his eyes to meet mine.

Justin’s POV:

Hearing Red’s voice I turned to see him waving a spatula around in the air with a smile on his face.

Merely nodding in his direction I went to turn back to face the right way before I caught Bella’s eyes and fixated mine on hers.

It isn’t awkward eye contact it is actually quite peaceful, she is so beautiful and her eyes just sparkle in the right light.

She smiled lightly before looking away, breaking the trances we were in, I spun around fast, making it look as if I wasn’t looking at her, but Henry quickly caught on.

“Seems like you’ve got yourself a looker there”, he chuckled, hitting my arm lightly to pass it off as a joke.

“What? Who? No man, fuck off”, I laughed, feeling my cheeks heat up fast and I knew I was going to blush a storm in a minute if I didn’t do something to stop it.

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