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Rubbing my face, I slowly came to, feeling an excruciatingly sharp pain in the back of my head.

“What the fuck…” I mumbled to myself, opening my eyes, fluttering my eye lids and I adjusted to the light, I looked around me in confusion… Where the hell am I?

Attempting to stand, I stumbled slightly as I got to me feet, rubbing my face once more. Slowly turning in all directions, seeing nothing but darkness and hearing nothing but silence, I began freaking out. Contemplating whether I should scream, I decided to keep my mouth shut, I didn’t know if anyone was there and I was scared out of my mind to find out. Continuously spinning, looking for anything out of the ordinary, a voice broke the silence, coming from what sounded like behind me I spun in its direction, feeling my head cause a sudden flush of dizziness come over me, I bent down for a moment, before picking myself up and regaining composure.

“Man, you shouldn’t have brought her here”

“It will be fine”

“She’s dead weight”

“She’s seen too much already, we can’t risk it”

“Bieber, you know me man, I wouldn’t be telling you this was a bad I idea if I didn’t mean it”

“And I wouldn’t be telling you it will be fine if I didn’t mean it either. Just chill bro, I’ll handle it”

“Whatever man”

Once the voices had silenced, I heard footsteps seeming to be getting further and further away from me, thank god! But just as the thought came to my head, another set of footsteps began, sounding towards me this time. Scared beyond words I dropped to the ground, curling up in a ball I wrapped my arms around my knees, clenching them tight, pushing my eyes shut. As the footsteps now only sounded less than a meter away they stopped, causing me to glance up, seeing someone standing in front of me looking down with a scowl.

“Stand up”, he said with his deep voice, not wanting to cause anything I sprang to my feet, taking a better look at who was in front of me.

He looked me up and down and smirked, “What’s your name?”

Hesitating I squeaked out a reply, “Bella… Adams”, my eyes dropped to the ground, my hands shaking violently.

“Well Bella, I’m Justin”, he said, holding out his hand just far enough for me to catch sight of and look up into his eyes, “It’s a hand not a lion, it won’t bite, but I might”, he chuckled to himself, making me feel un-easy.

I reached out my hand to meet his and shook it slightly before pulling my arms back against my body, “ah, where am I?”

“Don’t you worry about that, just come with me, we need to talk”, with that he leaned down and took hold of my hand, turning away he began walking into the darkness, as if he could see perfectly.

Pulling me further and further into nothingness, he finally stopped at what seemed to be a wall, he released his grip on my hand, reaching to something in front of him, before finally, and he flicked a switch and lights fluttered on slowly. Adjusting my eyes I looked around to see this was nothing but a house, nothing out of the ordinary, there were stairs and just as I glanced up to look at them, a group of guys came thumping down, making me tremble with fear.

“Boys, this is Bella. Now we need to have a little discussion about our new found friend”, my eyes widened and I snapped my head in Justin’s direction, “She has seen too much and I can’t risk getting our asses trailed by the cops, so we have 2 options. Make sure we get it through her little brain here”, he tapped his finger on my head, I flinched stepping away and brushing away his hand, “that she doesn’t say anything to anyone about this, or…” his voice trailed off, suddenly interrupted by another.

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