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HAPPY NEW YEARS WATTPAD READERS!! Sorry guys, I’ve been at the river over new years and haven’t had the time to write more. But here’s Chapter 7, hope you enjoy it, let’s do this 2014 :)


Bella’s POV:

Once we had reached my house she slowed right down before stopping the car in front of my house and turning off the ignition, he turned to look over at me.

“Well I guess this is it kiddo”, he smiled, “See you round?”

I stiffened at the thought, after how I ‘saw him round’ last time I’m not sure if I really want to go through that again.

I nodded calmly before looking up into his eyes, “Sure thing”

With that I opened the car door, stepping out into the cold morning air, I breathed deeply then closed the door behind me standing back a few steps after I did so.

I watched as Justin turned the keys, the car idling for a short while before coming to life.

He pulled away from where he was parked, driving steadily down the street and around the corner.

That was the last time I would see him.

For now.

Gathering myself, making sure I didn’t look as if I had been kidnapped I walked up the path leading to the front door, then opened it only to see my mum and dad come yelling and screaming, running towards me.

So many questions were being fired my way and before I knew it they both had their arms around me, squeezing my frame extremely tightly, feeling as if I was getting crushed I lightly pulled away from their embrace.

Holding me at arm’s length my mum looked at me with sincere eyes, “Bella darling where on earth have you been?!”

Shaking my head, knowing I had to make up something fast, there was no way I could tell her what had happened last night.

“What you got yourself here Bieber?” one of the guys asked nudging the one who caught me eavesdropping.

“This little one here has earned herself a little too much knowledge on what just happened to poor old Luke we just had our little ah…” he cleared his throat before continuing on, “meeting”.

I glanced around on the ground below me, noticing I was sitting in a pool of blood, my heart skipped a beat before swallowing hard and looking back up at the one they addressed as ‘Bieber’.

My body shivered at the memories flicking through my mind, snapping myself out of my daydream I looked at her in confusion; I had no idea what to say.

“Well…” My dad pitched in, shooting me a stern look I swallowed hard, “Are you going to answer your mother”

Nodding I cleared my throat, remembering back to what I told them the night I left, “Oh last night, I was with Jade studying, that’s all”, smiling I tried to break the tension slightly, it didn’t work.

“Why on earth would you be going to Jade’s house so late at night to study and why didn’t you tell us where you were going?”

Smirking inwardly I knew I had this argument in the bag, “Actually, I did tell you, you were both sitting on the couch right over there”, I paused to point into the living area at the couches they were seated at that night, just for dramatics, “and I said I was going to Jades to study, you just waved your hand at me and said goodbye”

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