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*sigh of relief* Gosh, I love you summer, hahaha best time of the year by far, anyone in winter?

Enough about weather here is Chapter 11 of Trouble, another thank-you to all readers :)


“What are you doing here Kane?” Rage pulsing through my veins, I had the right mind to shoot him without even a second thought, but I decided against it for Bella’s safety.

“I could ask you the same thing Bieber”, he spat back his response, Bella restlessly twisting side to side in his tight grasp.

“You have some nerve, why don’t you and your other pussy friends piss off back to your side of town”

Keeping my arm dead straight I never looked away even for a second, if Kane was going to try anything funny I had to be concentrated to react, I’ve made that mistake before.

“Justin, NO!”

Voices ringing through my eyes, slightly distracting me, but not enough to lose focus on him.

“Don’t do it”

“He will kill you”

“He will kill me”

Lightly shaking my head I felt dizzy, memories flooding my mind, unable to escape the voices speaking in a hushed tone, sending shivers down my spine.

“You are a fuck up”

“Nothing but trash”


“Fuck off”, I rasped, blinking a few times before refocusing my attention onto Kane and Bella.

Her cheeks wet, the tears endlessly escapes her eyes, fear looming in them.

“I always knew you were crazy, I mean that little brother of yours talked about some weird shit at times, lucky I was there to put a stop to it all”

Kane’s mouth slowly slipped into a smirk.

“This little angel you got here, she’s beautiful, bet she’s good in the sack too”, his smirk spreading further across his face he put his lips to her ear and started nibbling gently.

“Get your hands off her Kane”, my stance strong, posture perfect, there was no way I was going to let him use her.

“Ooo defensive”, he looked down at Bella for a brief moment, not giving me enough time to attack before he looked back to me, “I honestly don’t know what you see in him”

“You should just shut that big mouth of yours right now, your half assed threats don’t mean shit”

“I can see that, because you clearly aren’t reacting to what I’m doing”, scoffing with sarcasm he started kissing her neck, his eyes staying glued to mine.

“Ugh”, Bella tilted her head, squishing his face so he would pull away, which he did.

“Justin we’re all good!”

A voice belonging to Drew called out behind me, instantly catching me off guard making me turn around at the sound of my name being called.


It took me a couple seconds to realize I had fucked up, snapping my head around I saw Kane now centimeters away from my face, a huge grin spread across his lips.

Scaring me once again I let my guard down from the surprise, using this to his advantage he clubbed me over the head with the bottom of his gun, knocking me out cold.

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