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After what felt like years that we had been walking, we finally arrived at the party, walking through loads of people scattered all over the lawn, drinking and smoking and occasionally hopping over a random couple sprawled over the ground having hot sex, not caring about all the people towering over them. I felt Jade’s hand grab my arm tightly and rip me in her direction, taking me by surprise and making me stumble slightly. Regaining my balance as she stopping pulling me I turned to look at her, narrowing my eyes into small slits, “Why so pushy?”

She stuck her tongue out at me as if she were a 5 year old, “whatever, just keep your head down, have a few drinks, get into it and avoid trouble”. Rolling my eyes and slightly shifting away from her she leaned forward, grabbing my arm and squeezing it, “got it?”

Ripping my arm away and frowning at her I replied with a sarcastic tone, “Yes mum!”

She furrowed her eye brows and sighed heavily before walking off, fading into the swarm of people that stood before me. Gathering myself, I shortly followed, weaving in between drunks trying to find some place I could get a drink, I was so god damn thirsty, I’d drink anything at this point. Flicking my head around, glancing behind me as I continued to walk, searching for a drink stand or something, but nothing.

Just as I was about to turn around, I smashed into to something, or should I say… someone. Falling helplessly to the ground, my vision blurred and my head had a sudden sharp pain flowing through it, causing me to groan and put my hand up to my face.

“Ughhh”, I mumbled, picking myself up, rubbing my eyes only to open them to see a guy staring directly at me, inches away from my face, making me jump, slightly startled by the shock of beady eyes drilling into mine.

“Why don’t you open your eyes when you’re walking dick head”, he spat, venom ringing in his words.

“S-Sorry, I didn’t mean to”, I replied shakily, looking down to the ground and slowly raising my head back up, my eyes locking onto his deadly stare.

“And you spilt my beer all over me, dumb bitch”, he snapped, brushing his leather jacket before looking back to me, “I should smack you one right here, right now”, balling his fists tightly, I stepped back, fear taking over my body, making me rush away in the opposite direction, yelling sorry as I did so.

Turning around to see one of his mates grab his arm and pull him aside, a harsh look on his face, making his calm quickly before regaining his posture and turning around to continue what he a previously doing. I don’t know why but there was something about him, something that made me feel as if I had seen him before, I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

Before I could think about it anymore I heard Jade’s voice behind me desperately calling my name. Spinning quickly to see her standing a few meters away with a panicked look on her face, I rushed over, concerned to say the least.

“Bell, what the fuck I told you to stay away from trouble not bash right into it you idiot!” She snarled, her words ringing through my ears.

I rolled my eyes, “It was just some stupid drunk I bumped into, I spilled a bit of his beer, he got angry, big deal” I remarked, as if it was nothing but I fly I had flicked away with my hand.

“No, you don’t get it do you. That stupid drunk is the head of one of the worst gangs around, he murders people Bell, and not because he has to, because he wants to”, her eyes piercing through mine, making me shiver at the words she spoke.

“Oh shit”, I replied, glancing over her shoulder to see where he was, my eyes scattering in all directions, then slowly falling back to Jade as I couldn’t spot him anywhere.

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