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I apologise for taking so long to write and upload this chapter, I’ve been extremely busy, chapter 14 hopefully won’t take this long :)


“Hey man”

I shot my head up to see Red standing at the edge of the curtain; he had a half-eaten sandwich in his hand, and was still chewing some of it as he stared hopelessly at me.

“Sup”, I shortly replied, not sure what to say at the moment.

He walked over to the other side of her bed, swinging his arm quickly he ripped open the curtain hiding an empty bed behind it. Taking a few steps he sat down on the side of it, and looked back up at me.

“How are you?”

“Been better to be honest”, I lightly chuckled, knowing I was right even though I fought the truth.

“How’d you get here anyway, I thought you wouldn’t be up and walking for another few days”

“Yeah neither did I but when I heard about Bella the nurse helped me walk down”

I looked down at Bella’s washed out cheeks, an image flashing past my eyes of her laying on the kitchen bench, her face pale, lifeless, I squeezed my eyes shut, hating the thought of losing her because of how careless and dangerous my life was.

I didn’t want this for her, but somehow she got what was coming for me instead, and I was going to track those bastards down and make them pay for putting her in this hospital bed.

“It’s not your fault Justin…” Red trailed off his words seeming empty, yet gave so much meaning.

“The hell it isn’t!”

Standing up abruptly I regretted it straight away, the pain shooting up my leg violently making me collapse to the cold floor in pain, clenching my leg.

The next thing I felt was my wrist burn with an immediate spark of agony, glancing down I saw blood spots on the floor with my wrist now free of wires and tubes, only open flesh hanging open from the sudden rip of the chords.

Red rushed over to me, his face blurred as it came into vision above me, my head pounded violently and my chest tightened, making it hard to breathe.

I closed my eyes, all I could see was Bella’s beautiful face, her smile radiating its own light, before I could think anything else I was snapped viciously back to reality by yelling and screaming.

Red was yelling out shaky words I couldn’t understand, other people quickly flooded my vision, staring down at me I felt myself being lifted slowly until I was gently placed onto something a lot softer than floor.

Hearing beeping and more voices I slowly swung my head side to side as I began to panic, knowing I wasn’t connected to any monitors the last time I checked Bella’s was the closest to me, and they were exploding with noises.

My heart pounding I was all too worried about how Bella was, let alone my own deteriorating state.

Red’s POV:

“What’s happening?”

“Sir I’m going to have to ask you to leave”

“Fuck no, that’s my best mate you gotta let me see help!”

“Sir please wait outside as soon as this is over we will tell you everything”

“Why can’t you tell me now for Christ sake?!”

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