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Bella’s POV:

Fluttering my eyes open, I looked around, confused as to where I was, once I saw the room I was in it all came flooding back like a bad dream. Seeing flashes of images, a body, Justin, a dark room and a house, which I assumed I was in.

As more images flicked past my sight giving me an insight into exactly what happened last night, I heard a door open and I snapped my head over to see someone emerge from a bathroom.

“Hey sexy”, he smirked revealing his face to show me it was Justin.

I felt my cheeks heat up, I looked down at myself realizing I had nothing but a bra and underpants on.

“What? Why am I half naked?!” I squealed, pulling the sheets up over my body, my eyes flicked up to face him, and without me thinking I began trailing them down to see he was in nothing but a towel, wrapped around his waist, I couldn’t help staring at his stomach, his abs evident, dripping wet.

Chuckling to himself “Like what you see?” He raised his eyebrow at me, the smirk never fading.

“Shut up”, I hissed, knowing he caught me perving. “You still haven’t answered my question?”


“Why the hell am I half naked?”

“You tell me? Oh, and your welcome”

I furrowed my eyebrows, “For what?”

His face dropped immediately, “Oh I’m sorry you didn’t realize I put you in my fucking bed last night so you weren’t uncomfortable on the floor”, he snapped at me taking a few steps forward causing the towel around his waist to accidently slip down, and before he could catch it, it was on the ground in a small messy heap.

My eyes instantly snapping to see his completely naked body, towel discarded he looked at me in confusion as I covered my eyes, stuttering into my words.

“Ah, Justin?” I pulled my hand away for a brief second to see if he had picked the towel back up, seeing his body still uncovered I couldn’t help glance down below his before realizing what I was doing a slapping my hand back to my face.

Throwing his hands in the air he huffed loudly, “What now?”

“Um, well you see… you’re kind of… naked”

He looked down to see his towel circling around his ankles, quickly snapping out of whatever kind of trance he was in he launched himself down to grab his towel before snapping back up, wrapping it around his waist.

He chuckled, “Not the first time that’s happened with a girl in the room, can’t say those times were accidental but…” he trailed off making my stomach do flips.

“Meaning?” I shot him a look as if I was extremely confused when in truth, I knew exactly what he meant.

“Well let’s just say you’re the first girl not to be screaming my name after seeing that”, a grin spreading across his face.

“Can we not, talk about this, please?” Sitting up properly, completely forgetting about the fact I was still half naked, the sheets trailing slowly down my upper body revealing my covered chest to his greedy eyes.

“Well clearly I’m not the only one showing off the puppies”, he nodded his head once in my direction, looking at my chest before flicking his eyes back up to mine, “Can’t help but think you don’t want this towel around me much longer”

Walking towards me slightly, I grabbed the sheets once more covering my body.

He slowly crept up to the end of the bed before stand at the end. Leaning forward he grabbed my ankles, ripping me towards him he pulled my legs to wrap around his waist, stepping back from the bed, in fear of falling I wrapped my arms around his neck and tightened my legs causing him to lift me up.

Startled at first I looked behind me seeing the empty bed, sheets sprawled everywhere before turning to look back at Justin, only in that moment did it click into my mind how I was positioned.

“I knew you couldn’t resist me”, his mouth forming a light smirk.

I frowned leaning my head back away from him for a moment, “put me down”, I demanded placing my hands on his chest, instantly feeling his warmth my body shivered as I trailed my hands down, bumping over his abs, each finger sliding past the indents in his stomach.

Snapping myself out of my little daydream I pushed my hands into his stomach, pulling myself away as hard as I could before feeling his arms tighten around me, showing me he wasn’t going to let go.

“You can just say it baby, I know you want this”, his eyes staring desperately into mine I shook my head.

“You’re wrong”

“If I was wrong why were you running your hands over me, only bothering to pull away once you had felt me up?”

“Because I was repositioning so I could push you easier”, I argued, knowing my excuse was pathetic I still ran with it.

A light laugh slipping from his lips he quickly flipped his hands to now hold me up by my ass, slightly squeezing it I squealed slightly with the sudden shock as he pulled me closer – if that were possible – his face now dangerously close to mine.

Gasping at how close he was, I never took my eyes off his, feeling my body tremble as he began to slowly release his grasp around me, letting my legs fall to softly place me back on two feet.

His hands now resting on my hips, he didn’t let me go even though he had put me down, his eyes exploring mine.


“Don’t”, he added sleepily.

One of his hands letting go of my hips, trailing up the side of my body to meet my warm cheek, he cupped it before sliding it to the back of my neck, his fingers slipping through my hair he urged my head forward lightly, causing out lips to clash in his tight embrace.

At first shocked at what was happening I slowly gave in, kissing him back before pulling away, only to have him pull me forward and re connect our lips once more.

Our lips moving in perfect sync with each other, I couldn’t help but continue kissing him, nor able to pull away from him.

He pulled away slightly, before leaning forward pecking me a few times before sliding his hand back to cup my cheek as he stared into my eyes.

“Told you”, he smirked, letting me go he stepped back a bit before raising his eye brows at me.

Blushing I returned his smirk with a frown, “What the fuck Justin why did you do that?”

“Why not?”

“Because I hardly even know you, you can’t just go kissing me randomly”, I hissed, slightly angry with what he had tricked me into doing although I was secretly thanking god it happened.

“Oh quit the act Bella don’t pretend as if you didn’t like it, I felt you kiss me back”, chuckling he walked over to a chest of drawers before pulling out black skinny jeans and a plain white tank.

I felt myself blush at his words, unable to stop the redness from showing.

“Naw, how cute!” he laughed glancing over at me before walking over to the bathroom door, only half closing it behind him.

“What?” I had an idea of what he meant I just wasn’t 100% sure, and to be honest I didn’t want it to be what I thought it was directed at.

“Your blushing, you’re cheeks are so fucking red, it’s kinda funny”, his voice echoed through the bathroom.

“Fuck”, thought to myself, “Why did he have to notice?!”

Mentally cursing myself I lightly laughed as a reply before once again having the sudden realization I was wearing hardly anything.

Sprinting over to the corner where I had left my things, I slipped on my dress I wore to the party and fixed myself up before Justin walked back out of the bathroom.

His eyes fixating on me, looking me up and down before scoffing and walking over to the door before leaving the room.

Sighing heavily I slumped onto the end of his bed, staring at the wall in front of me falling into deep thought.

Why did any of this have to happen? Why me? Why now?

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