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Sorry, sorry, sorry. I haven’t updated in a while but I’ve been having some trouble with the internet, it isn’t all that great in the country where I live but here it is, Chapter 12, sorry for the wait!


Once back at the house I didn’t even kill the engine, I jumped out of my side, not bothering to close the door behind me. Running to her side of the car I swung open the door, reaching in I held her body in my arms. Turning I began running towards the house only to hear the screeching of tires behind me.

Thinking it would be the guys I didn’t look, and instantly regretted it.

A sharp pain flew up my leg, instantly falling to the ground behind me I made Bella land on top of me for cushioning. Sliding my arms from underneath her, more tires could be heard, lucky for me they were heading away this time.

Grasping my leg, groaning in excruciating pain I pulled my hand back to see it covered in blood the sudden realization flushing through me that I had been shot, my head flipping side to side violently I caught sight of Bella once more, slowly moving around sluggishly across the ground.

Ignoring the pain I stood back up, limping slightly I leant down once next to her, picking her up again, trying to run I hobbled inside, smashing open the door with my shoulder, breaking the lock and ripping the wood on the door frame apart.

I went into the kitchen and put her down on the bench, laying her head softly against the table top. Tearing my shirt off I quickly wrapped it around my own leg so I didn’t pass out trying to help her, once tied in a knot I caught her eyes for the last few moments they were open.

Trying to cry no tears came out, her lack of strength kicking in. Her face drained of colour my heart began racing incredibly, I rushed around looking for something I could use to stop the bleeding and dis infect the wound.

Opening cupboard after cupboard I could feel myself start to fade, the pain in my leg increasing with every move.

Turning I fell to the ground beside the bench where Bella was, my arms only just holding me up, pulling myself up to my feet only to fall back down again.

Looking down at my leg I could see my shirt was covered in blood now at the front not just at the back, meaning the bullet had travelled through my leg.

Rolling my head to the side I saw my reflection in the oven door, my face was now just as pale as Bella’s, my blood loss rate increasing from all my sudden movements.

Unable to bear the pain anymore I let out a loud yell, feeling my leg begin to shake I felt my stomach churn, something was seriously wrong. Looking around things blurred, my head spinning violently.

Rolling onto my stomach I managed to lift the front half of my body up, giving room for what happened next. I could feel my stomach mixing, my leg still shaking now even more than before.

Jerking my head I threw up in front of me, spitting once it was over.

“Ugh”, I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut I could tell my body wasn’t going to hold much longer.

Pushing myself backwards with the remainder of my strength, clearing the floor so I could roll over and lay my head down.

But just before I did, I saw my vomit was green, only meaning one thing.

The bullet was laced with poison.

My heart beat accelerating, my leg shaking viciously, my body began to seize. My whole body going stiff as I breathed in, my leg instantly stopped shaking, unable to move I felt my eyes begin to roll back in my head.

TroubleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora