Donnie pumps a fist in the air. "We are so doing that one!"

Suddenly, Master Splinter peeks into the kitchen, startling us.

"What are you two scheming?" he whispers, soundlessly coming in and standing between us.

We exchange a look, biting our lips to hold back the giggles.

"N-nothing, Sensei," Donnie says nonchalantly.

I tuck a wisp of hair behind my ear. "It's okay to tell him."

I look up at Donnie's dad, who is still much taller than me. I sit up straighter.

"We're going to prank them," I whisper.

Master Splinter nods, a sliver of a smile appearing over his dark face. "Well, best of luck to you both. The boys will retaliate, no doubt."

"You want to help us?" I ask hopefully. Donnie nods as Splinter walks to the counter, getting down a teacup, and then to the stove to start a pot of water.

Master Splinter only shakes his head. "I was never here," he whispers. Donnie and I giggle, then turn back to our plan.

Mikey comes into the kitchen, waves at us, and opens the fridge. "Nice!" he says, looking at us over his shoulder. "You guys got breakfast up. Lookit this! It's doughnuts and orange juice! (Y/n), you're the best!"

As Mikey leans out of the kitchen to call his brothers, I start to smother my laughter. Donnie gently shushes me.

Just as he calls Raph's name, a wild shout is emitted from his room, and before we know it, Raph is halfway across the common room in a panic.

"Cockroach!" he says, out of breath, as he slides onto a stool. "In my lampshade... Oh god, sorry (Y/n)..."

Donnie and I stand up to watch Leo get out of his room, but he doesn't emerge. Mikey goes off to investigate, and throws open Leo's bedroom door as he starts to sing something to wake his brother up, loudly and off-key. He's cut off when the handle of Leo's door hits the wall, causing the airhorn we'd taped there to blare out of control.

Mikey stumbles backward, and from inside the bedroom, Leo lets out the loudest, most girlish scream I ever heard from the mouth of a man. Behind us, Raph just jumps at both noises.

I hunch over, trying not to laugh. Donnie's shoulders tremble.

Bewildered, Mikey comes back into the kitchen, followed by a dazed-looking Leo.

"What just happened?" Raph asked his older brother.

Leo shook his head as if to clear it. "I have no idea. That scared the living daylights out of me."

"Saaaaaaaame!" Mikey said, his eyes wide.

"The way you screamed, Leo," I say, as calmly as I can manage, "You would have thought you were being murdered or something."

Leo shakes his head again.

"Have a doughnut, guys," Donnie quips. "(Y/n) picked them up. There's orange juice in the fridge, too."

"We ate when we were setting it up," I add. "C'mon, Donnie."

We slip out of the kitchen, beelining for the lab. We have other work to do.

It wasn't long, either, before the guys realized that it was us who were giving them a hard time, but it took longer to convince them that this was serious, not just a boyfriend/girlfriend torture device. Just like Master Splinter had said, they began to get back at us.

"Donnie!" Mikey shouted after falling victim to our pasta-under-the-tiolet-seat trick. "There's a leak in the sink!"

Donnie looks up from tinkering with another plastic bug. "Be right there!" He picks up a toolbox, then whispers to me to hand him the nail polished soap I'd been working on. We step out into the common room, and Donnie heads to the bathroom as I sit down on a beanbag next to where Raph is casually reading a comic book.


I glance down, to see what I've sat on, and I see the white corner of a piece of paper sticking out from under the beanbag.

I pull it out.

Raph slowly lowers the comic book from its postion over his face as I start screaming absolute bloody murder at the freakish picture I pulled out, a grin across his face. I lean back to catch my breath, crumpling up the picture to throw it at him. Donnie comes out of the bathroom to see what all the sudden commotion was about.

"A leek," he says with half a smile after seeing Raph's prank. "Real funny, guys."

"Donnie!" Leo dashes into the common room, holding up his phone. "What did you do to my tPod? There's a bunch of cat faces instead of the apps!"

Mikey pokes his head out of the bathroom. "Donnie! The soap isn't soaping! What did you guys do?"

Donnie and I exchange a smile as he intercepts Leo's phone, fixing it in a matter of minutes. Mikey stomps out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to continue washing his hands. We walk back into the lab, and Donnie shakes his mouse to wake the computer up.

It doesn't do anything.

He shakes it again, brushing it over the table, but the monitor remains blank. He finally turns it over to reveal a sticky note, written all over with a blue pen in otomatopoeic laughter. Donnie rolls his eyes.

"Leo," he whispers. "That was for the phone, huh?"

"I'm hungry," I say a minute later. "Can we take a break?"

Donnie nods, taking my hand so we can go together. "Let's make something ourselves, so we won't be tricked into eating something horrible. Does ramen sound okay to you?"

I nod happily, and we head inside. Mikey sits at the counter, fiddling with his nunchucks. He twirls them in front of his face, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes at him, then open the fridge to get something to drink as Donnie digs through the pantry to find some dry ramen. I turn around.

I take out a cucumber, a can of Coca-Cola, and our pitcher of macaroni juice from earlier, all of which now wear a pair of googly eyes, just like the other items in the refrigerator do as well.

Mikey's still grinning.

Till Death Do We Part (Donatello X Depressed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now