08 | Spaced Out

817 31 33

Your PoV

The fire turtle cooes at me, and turns his head to Mikey and burps a stream of fire at him. We both flinch, and I yell in surprise.

Donnie comes flying out of the lab.

"(Y/n), what's the matter?" he cries.

My hands are shaking as Raph takes his pet back. "The turtle just burped fire," I say, dumbfounded.

Mikey laughs. "Yeah, duh! He's a fire turtle from space!!"

"But.... Fire?" I say again. "It's so little... How did it do that?"

"He also has flame farts," Raph informs me. The boys, excluding Donnie, laugh about that too.

"The Vorkathian Fire Tortoise is found on the planet of Magnomar," Donnie says, disregarding his brothers. "It isn't in this galaxy, so that's probably why you didn't know about them before. When we were in space, we saw all kinds of stuff that we'd have never  known existed."

I grin. "That's so cool... That you went into space and stuff. How'd you get there?"

"It's a long story," Leo says dismissively, relaxing on his beanbag perch. Donnie sits next to me, seemingly having forgotten what was keeping him so busy in the lab.

Raph and Mikey fuss over Chompy-Picasso, fighting over the remote at the same time. The tv flickers from the reruns to a news channel, where a reporter is talking about the weather of late in upstate New York.

"Boooooooring!" Mikey groans.

Donnie glances down at me. "Do you really want to hear about space?" he asks quietly.

"She doesn't," Raph says quickly. "She probably already knows about the Triceratons and the Kraang."

"I heard of them," I say softly. "I've heard of them before. But the Triceratons disappeared almost as soon as they arrived. And the Kraang- they were destroyed entirely."

"We saw it happen." Leo says. "And we were the cause of the Triceratons' destruction. This blasted robot called Fugitoid used their own weapon against them- one that we figured out he'd built from the start."

"He was so... perky," Raph says, sounding almost disgusted.

Mikey nods, adding, "Not in a good way. When Leo found out that it was him who'd destroyed the world by a total accident kinda he went all berserk and almost killed himself."

I stare at Leo in shock.

"I was angry," he admitted. "I left on my own because I thought I could save the world by myself, but I was wrong." He looks up at me, his eyes steely. "I thought he'd killed our father on purpose, but it wasn't only our father we were avenging in the first place. I was selfish. I was ignorant. And (Y/n), your near-death experience- we were hoping it taught you something similar."

I bite my lip, feeling all of their gazes upon me.

"But I just saw Master Splinter," I said. "Isn't he your dad? I just saw him... L-last night......"

I trail off, remembering how I'd decided not to tell them about meeting him; my damn tongue had to get in the way.

Raph raises an eyebrow. "Hold up. During breakfast this morning, you said that you wanted to meet him, and now you say you already have?"

I bow my head, staring at the floor.

"But when?" Donnie asks me. "I've been with you the entire time you've been here... What time did you have to meet Sensei?"

"She had plenty of time," says a voice from behind us.

I jump, and glance back at Master Splinter. He stands next to a pool of water beneath his screen doors, watching us.

Mikey looks at us, focusing on me, then on Master Splinter, then on me again. "Woah, they're in on something together," he whispers to the other boys.

"That much is clear," Raph remarks.

Splinter comes a few steps closer. "I have already met Miss (Y/n). It was yesterday night, and Donatello was asleep."

Donnie smacks his forehead. "You left the lab? In the middle of the night?!" he whispers. "You were hurt! What if someone had mistaken you for something else? What if you'd decided to leave or something?"

I rub the back of my neck. "I stood up because I wanted to move around... I woke up and I didn't have anything to do," I explain quietly. "I stepped out for a second to look around, and I saw somebody go into your kitchen. I didn't know it was Master Splinter, so I went after him to investigate."

"I was wondering why you were awake," Master Splinter says, sounding amused.

"You should've told me," Donnie murmurs. "I could have told you it was just Sensei. Or we could have gone together. Umm- you aren't armed, and if he'd been someone dangerous, ya know-"

"You're embarrassing her," Raph interrupts, smirking.

I'd hardly paid heed to the hot feeling that had crept up my cheeks. I couldn't believe Donnie would have offered to do that.

I can trust him, I think slowly. I am pretty sure that Donnie is trustworthy. He and his family are the nicest people ever.

"Sorry..." Donnie mumbles, glancing away from me.

I hold up one of my hands. "It's cool," I say. I don't want to be this spineless fool that they probably think I am behind their forced smiles. I'm going to be braver. I want to know more.

Donnie offers me a smile, and it doesn't look forced at all. He just looks nervous and a bit annoyed, which has hung in his reddish-brown eyes since Raph teased him.

"I have work to do, though." he sighs. "Um, (Y/n), you wanna come along? I could, uh, use some company in the lab. I wanted you to see what I was working on. Um, if you don't mind."

I nod, a smile creeping over my lips. "That sounds good," I say. I turn back to Donnie's brothers and Master Splinter. "See you guys later."

I follow Donnie into his lab, hearing the boys snicker playfully behind us. He closes the door, and walks over to something that lies under a long, large blue tarp.

He pulls the tarp away, and I am immediately dazzled by what I see.

Donnie grins. "You like it?"

I nod.

He pulls a wrench from his worktable, leaning over his project. "Don't tell the guys," he laughs. "It's a surprise. I haven't made something like this in a while."

He tightens something inside of it, then turns back to me, seeming distracted. "(Y/n), Leo learned one more thing when we rescued him." He pauses, watching my face. "He learned one more thing out there that he didn't mention earlier."

"What was that?" I ask, curious.

Donnie's gaze fondly came down upon his new vehicle. "He learned that he wasn't alone, (Y/n). That's what he wanted you to learn from him, too."


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