15 | Pizza Dude

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Donnie's PoV

The familiar, Chinese-themed screen doors of the dojo stare back at me. It's open just a crack, so if I really concentrate, I could hear what they're saying.

I crouch by the doors, peeking inside. I immediately see my father standing by his shelf next to the southernmost wall, with (Y/n) standing in front of him, her back to me.

I smother a smile. She looks so small and adorable next to someone so tall.

I can't quite hear what Master Splinter and (Y/n) are talking about, but I can see her smiling and talking quickly, as if embarrassed. Sensei smiles a little, obviously thanking her, then says something else and (Y/n) calms down.

"We're about to get dinner," I hear her say. "I think Raph's calling the pizza guy, like, right now. I'll have to ask Donnie if we can take his sweet Corvette to go pick it up."

My smile involuntarily grows wider. She really likes it?

"It is rather nice," Sensei agrees. "He has been working on it tirelessly this week. Did he pick you up from school this afternoon?"

(Y/n) nods. "My mom couldn't get there in time to give me a ride home, but Donnie called me and showed up out of the blue. It was great."

Master Splinter runs his little beard through his thumb and forefinger, thinking. "You seem to have a soft spot for Donatello, do you not?"

(Y/n) freezes.

Her face turns red.

"U-uh... What do you mean?" she asks, vocally brushing it off. "I'm n-not... I mean, I don't-"

"I could see it from the beginning," Master Splinter admits. "It was he who leapt into the ocean to save you, my dear. He took care of you. I would say that his feelings are quite mutual."

"R-really?" (Y/n) asks, sounding genuinely surprised. "Oh. W-well, um, thanks for telling me that."

Sensei nods his head, smiling again. "And thank you for coming to visit me. Give my regards to our Chef Michelangelo."

(Y/n) laughs, waving goodbye. She heads toward the door.

I shoot up off the ground, leaping backward so it looks like I've just come from the kitchen. She comes out, sees me, and comes forward, her rosy lips set in an easy smile.

"Um, you wanna come pick up the pizza with me?" I blurt out.

(Y/n) pauses. "In the Corvette?"

I grin. "Yeah, of course. I had Raph order a special pizza for you, too."

I suddenly stop, thinking I've said something wrong, but (Y/n) just giggles.

"What are you waiting for, Donnie?" she asks me, pulling me by the arm toward my lab. "Let's go get it, then!"

Your PoV

Donnie and I drive smoothly in his Corvette, which honestly looks like he just bought it new.

"You did such a good job on this thing," I gush. "This is one of the nicest cars I've ever been in. And you made it, too!"

"Yeah," Donnie grins. "I'm pretty proud of it. A couple all-nighters really helped it take shape."

"It's so nice," I whisper again. Donnie turns a corner, glancing out his window.

I gaze out of mine, my reflection in the darkly-tinted glass window staring dreamily back at me. It got dark quickly outside, I realize. When I look at the clock on the dashboard, I see that it's almost seven o'clock.

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