12 | Goodbye

719 25 39

Your PoV

The gentle wind blows through my hair as I stare out over Manhattan, stray pedestrians and little shops dotting the sidewalks below us. Farther out over the buildings, incandescent lights shine brightly from coverless windows.

"It's so pretty," I breathe.

Donnie stands next to me, an absent smile in his face. Leo is beside him, surveying the area about us with a telescope, while Raph and Mikey keep themselves busy by annoying each other.

I exhale. Leo says it's time to go.

Honestly, I can't wait to get back home. I feel like I've been away for so long, on an overnight trip or something like that. The only difference is that I wasn't traveling with anyone I'd known before, or at all, for that matter, and all I did mostly was heal up from an attempt at suicide and make some interesting friends.

I can't wait to see my mom's face. I can't wait to get on my phone, to listen to my music. I can't wait to get back to school.

I can't believe I just said that.

Even so, my absence might not have even affected anyone. I have no idea.

Either way, I have new respect for life and new friends to talk to and lean upon in times of trouble.

The Turtles have grappling hooks, which they point at a building across the intersection we have stopped at and fire the pronged edges into its wall. Donnie tilts his head at me, motioning me to come closer.

"You don't have your own hook," he murmurs in my ear. "And you probably can't jump as well as we can. Do you want to ride on my back instead?"

Flattered that he asked me, and grateful as well, I nod and clamber onto his carapace as he kneels down a bit to let me up.

He stands, and I clutch him around the neck.

"You're really tall," I say, my head whirling as I get a grasp of New York from this new height.

Donnie adjusts me, his hand supporting me under my butt. "Ready?"

I nod, exhilarated as he jumps off the edge of the building. The other boys have already jumped, standing on the roof of our destination, waiting for us.

"Aww," Mikey croons as we land next to him, "that's so cuuute!"

Donnie laughs, seeing my hair, which has been ravaged at by the sudden burst of wind, and I laugh at the same time, barely believing that I just jumped across a huge intersection on the back of a mutant turtle.

Life is full of surprises, I guess.

"Having fun?" Raph asks me, as we start along again. In unison, the boys leap over the space between two buildings. A tiny, high-pitched noise exits my mouth, induced by the height.

They all start laughing again as we land, having heard me shriek.

"Don't look down," Donnie advises. "You're not gonna fall, I've got ya."

Grinning, still feeling like I'm flying, I hold on to Donnie as we continue. They said we had a ways to travel, that I might get frightened by the height, that if anything was wrong or felt bad, I had to tell Donnie asap.

I hadn't ignored them, but kept these things in mind. I was just so excited, I doubted anything could go wrong.

The wind blows freely through my (h/l), (h/c) hair, pushing the locks away from my face. My face flushed as we leap again. Donnie holds me a bit tighter, assuring that I won't fall.

I rest my head on his shoulder, suddenly feeling sleepy. I exhale, my breath immediately blown far away behind us. I couldn't imagine being at ease from this high up, being held by a turtle... But I honestly don't think I could be any calmer. Everything just feels so golden, so sweet.

I don't want this to ever end, either.

On the roof of my apartment building, we swap numbers, passing each other's phones back and forth after I've slipped inside to retrieve mine from my bedroom, which is conveniently located right under where we're standing. Raph sticks his tongue out at me, holding my phone hostage over the edge of the roof.

"Ra-aaaaph!" I giggle, stubbornly walking toward him to retrieve my threatened phone. He pushes me backward, throwing my phone to Leo.

"Keep away!" Mikey grins, as Leo releases it into the air. Mikey catches it, leaping up and doing a backflip. He tosses it to Raph.

Donnie is busy setting up his contacts so I can put my number into it, hardly paying attention. He looks up when Mikey calls his name, nearly dropping his phone as he intercepts mine.

"Here, (Y/n)," he says. "Y-you haven't put your number in mine yet."

I take his phone as he punches his number into mine, making a contact for himself. Raph lets out a mild groan of disappointment, having lost his teasing objective.

"How ya doing, (Y/n)?" Mikey asks easily, walking up beside me.

Leo shifts his glance to me. "You're not hurting, are you?"

Donnie's head snaps up.

I shake my own head, blushing at their concern for me. "I'm fine, really. I probably just need some sleep... I'm kinda tired."

"Are you sure?" Raph presses. "I'm sure some of us would love to spend some extra time with you."

I nod. "Thanks, but I think I'm okay. Tomorrow's Friday, so I'll come and see you after school, mkay?"

The boys grin again, and Leo leans over to open my window a bit more so I can slip inside easier. Donnie hands me my phone, and I hand him his in turn.

I glance back at the Turtles to say goodbye.

Mikey sniffs. "Can I have a hug?"

I laugh, tears threatening my own eyes, and hug him tightly. Leo lets me hug him next, and then I move to Raph. They all welcomed my form into their arms. To them, I was small and comfortable and vulnerable.

I look up at Donnie, seeing that he's trying to hide his emotion. I slide into his embrace, sighing. His arms wrap around me as if they were made for it.

"Take care of yourself, okay?" he mumbles in my ear.

I hug him tighter. "I will, Donnie. You take care, too."

When we finally let go, I wave a final goodbye to the others, watching them vanish into the darkness.

I close my window, and sigh again.

Donnie is the last to turn his back.


Heya, authors note! I just kinda randomly thought of this last night.... And I need the opinion of my loyal, wonderful readers! I swear, I could not do as much as I have done without your endless support.

Thank you so much!!!!

But anyway, should the reader and Donnie get smexy at all? I guess I just wondered cuz if you ended up getting pregnant Donnie could double as the dad and deliver the baby anyway... Idek. Let me know what you think!

And @bendy_galaxy you're gon read this really soon right XD

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