
"Ashton, you're going the wrong way!" I exclaimed for the hundredth times today. We were supposed to go to the ground for announcement, but Ashton took the wrong turn. I couldn't even pull him with me since he was heavy. "It's this way!"

"I know." He said, giving the look and going to the direction I was pointing.

I rolled my eyes. Of course, he knows. "Yeah. Sure."

"What? You don't believe me?" Ashton questioned.

"What? No, of course not. I believe you, oh so mighty." I muttered sarcastically.

"Are you making fun of me?" He gasped.

"You finally realised, huh?"

Ashton narrowed his eyes at me and pushed me against the locker. He placed his both hands along with my cuffed, on either side of my face.

"I don't like my girlfriend making fun of me."

"Yeah?" I smirked, leaning back. "Then what do you like?"

He leaned closer so his lips were inch away from me. "I like when my girlfriend kisses me."

I smiled and closed the distance between us. Kissing Ashton always made me feel alive. Makes me feel all cliché cheesiness.

A loud clear of throat broke us apart. There stood Stacy looking annoyed and angry.

"What?" Ashton said in irritation. He turned to look at Stacy with an eyebrow raised.

"What are you doing with her?" She asked. "I thought you broke up?"

"Well, we clearly didn't." I snapped.

"What? So you forgave him for kissing me. Cheating on you." She mocked.

I clenched my teeth, thinking of when Ashton hurt me. Jealousy flared in me. I glared at Stacy, ready to pounce on her when Ashton cut in.

"What the fuck?" He cursed, angrily. I've only seen him this angry when I called him a-hole.

Stacy looked proud, like she accomplished something. "What? You know you enjoyed a lot that night." She said, winking at him.

I turned red from anger. I don't know if this is because the way she said it or because she lied. I trust Ashton and I know he wouldn't have done it. And also from the look on Stacy's face, I'm sure nothing happened. If she's trying to break things between me and Ashton, then she has to be better than this.

I stepped closer to her, so I was right in front of her face. I don't care that the crowd was already forming to see the drama. "So you think Ashton spend the night with you that day?"

"I didn't, Gwen!" Ashton protested. I glared at him to shut up. Stacy thought I believed her from the smirk on her face.

"I don't think, sweetie. I know!" She claimed.

"Then how come Chris and Alex found him at his house when they went to punch him?" I lied. I mean, Alex came to pick me up and was searching for me the whole time. But she doesn't know and doesn't have to.

"I...uh.. I," she stuttered, turning red from embarrassment.

"Exactly," I cut her off. "So if you're ​trying to mess things between us or break us apart, save it. I don't believe a shit that comes out of your mouth. And if you know what's best for you, you'll take your bloody crap and leave us alone. You don't know what I can do or will do!"

Her eyes widen at my threat. She looked around before turning and leaving. I sighed and looked at the crowd that has gathered around.

"The drama is over. You have an announcement to attend so go before I give all of you detention." I raised my voice. Soon enough all hurried away.

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