Namjin (sweet) Part 1

Start from the beginning

"What accident?" Jin asked. He figured Namjoon might as well answer his questions as after all he had probably sneaked into his house and sat in his room without permission.

"I-I-" Namjoon choked and started to cry. Jin awkwardly moved closer wondering if he should put a hand on his shoulder. He decided when Namjoon didn't seem to stop crying that he would. He reached out and just as he was suppose to connect with Namjoon's shoulder, his hand went right through. It gave a cold feeling so cold, he felt his hand might fall off.

"What the-" Jin cut himself off. Namjoon looked at him with tear stains on his cheeks. "What just happend?" Jin asked freaking out just a little.

"I got hit by a car and I died. It was two months ago." Namjoon said tears forming in his eyes once more. Jin himself was in a shock like state. He was staring at his hand where the cold feeling was still wearing off. His hand had passed through him and Namjoon claimed he was dead. "I know is hard to believe but no one has been able to see me before and I was so happy that you could." Namjoon tried to explain but Jin's mind hadn't moved on yet.

"You can't be dead." Jin said and now looked up at Namjoon.

"I know is hard to believe but I am. You can search me if you like. Kim Namjoon, car accident." Namjoon said and slowly he was falling down. Jin on the other hand fumbled to get his phone on the desk and sat down again. He searched as he had been told and saw loads of articles about a boy dead in a car accident. He clicked on one of them and a picture showed of Namjoon. There was no doubt in Jin's mind, it was the same guy.

"But-I-How is this possible?" Jin asked, thinking he had probably lost his mind.

"I have no clue myself. I don't know why you of all people can see me. But I'm happy you do, I've been lonely." Namjoon said. Jin searched his face, it occurred to him it could be a joke and quickly scanned the room from cameras. He couldn't find any cameras and turned his attention back to Namjoon.

"But why me?" Jin asked but knew before Namjoon opened his mouth that he didn't know either. "Nevermind." Jin said and looked at Namjoon's face. Their eyes locked and for a long second they just sat looking at each other. Jin got a feeling of being safe and happiness spread inside him by looking into Namjoon's eyes. He wanted to reach out and touch him but he didn't dare and it probably wouldn't work anyway.

"I feel like we were meant to meet. Though I can't figure out why." Namjoon suddenly said. Jin didn't break eye contact and honestly it didn't sound all that stupid to him. Of all the things happening to him that day, it seemed like it was the most sensible thing he had heard.

"Me niether but right now I don't care either." Jin said in a daze like voice.

"JIN! DINNER!" A yell sounded from downstairs. It snapped Jin out of his daze. He looked to the door and sighed.

"I have to go but I'll hurry back. Please don't leave." Jin asked Namjoon and Namjoon nodded.

"I'll wait for you." Namjoon said and Jin smiled slightly. He went down the stairs to the dining room and saw his parents had decided to join him for once.

"Hello Jin. How was your day?" His father asked and Jin sighed. He hated when they acted all parent like when in fact he only saw them about four times a week if he was lucky. Jin had known from a young age that his parents weren't fit to have children and cared much more about their business.

"Fine I guess." Jin said and his mind drifted to Namjoon. He wanted to talk more to him and it had to be soon. He hurried through dinner and as soon as he could excused himself and went to up his room. He opened the door expecting to see Namjoon but the room was empty. Jin wondered if he had gone crazy. There was no sign whatsoever that someone else had been in the room. Jin sighed and laid down on his bed. A few hours later he said goodnight to his parents who didn't care and went to bed. He lay on his side and just as he was about to fall asleep he heard a voice behind him.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here." Namjoon's soft voice sounded from behind him. His voice didn't make him feel hollow anymore, it made him calm. Jin turned around so they were lying face to face. "Sometimes I just disappear, is like I need to get charged or something." Namjoon said.

"It's okay. I'm just happy you're back." Jin said with a little smile. He felt much better with Namjoon in the room. "Do you sleep?"

"No not really. I can pretend if I like, is like I'm dozing off but I never really sleep." Namjoon explained. Jin nodded as he realised how close they were lying. Even if he knew his body would go right through Namjoon's he felt his heart flutter.

"Do you mind if I sleep?" Jin asked and Namjoon looked softly on him.

"No I don't mind." Namjoon said. "Do you want me to stay?"

"Yes. I mean if you like." Jin said and felt himself blushing.

"It's no problem at all." Namjoon said softly and Jin felt with an urge to kiss him though he just closed his eyes and slowly he fell asleep.

Short imagines with BTS ships-Book 2Where stories live. Discover now