JinxBTS/Taejin (request)

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This was requsted by @Pinkprincessjin44 :)

Taehyung eyes grew wide and his jaw dropped as he saw the most beautiful boy he had ever seen in his life walk into the cafe he and his friends were sitting at. His face looked like it had been made by angels themselves and his body like it was made by God. Taehyung looked at his group of friends and saw every single of them was drooling over him. He looked around and it was like time had stopped just to give this boy a chance for everyone to see his beauty and drool over him. He walked into the cafe and ordered something before sitting down  at a table alone. with his coffee in his hand. Taehyung couldn't tell if he was aware of the attention he got and ignored it or he simply didn't know.

"Woaw he is beautiful." Jungkook his friend said.

"More than beautiful." His other friend Hoseok said.

"He is everything good in this world." Jimin said.

"Like a fairy tale prince." Taehyung said.

"He is stunning." Yoongi said.

"He is like a dream." Namjoon said. They simply couldn't stop staring at the beautiful boy.

"I'm gonna ask him to sit with us." Hoseok said and stood up. He walked the short distance to him. They couldn't hear them but the boy smiled and it felt like pure happiness. Hoseok turned around and smirked. The boy followed him and Hoseok got a chair for him.

"Guys meet Jin. Jin this is, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook and Namjoon." Hoseok introduced them all and they all smiled to him and he smiled back following them all with his eyes.

"It's nice to meet you all." Jin said and his voice sounded like a sweet melodi.

"Nice to meet you too." A choir sounded and he blushed a little.

"He just moved here." Hoseok explained and a new choir of welcome sounded. He thanked them and smiled his wonderful smile. They spend most of the afternoon talking and learned Jin was younger than them. Taehyung quickly caught onto the fact Jin had no idea of the power his beauty had. He was pure and innocent and Taehyung could already feel himself falling for him.
The next many weeks they all became closer to Jin and it was a weird feeling walking down the street with him as people stopped and stared. From young to old, woman and men would drool over him. It was summer break so they had plenty of time to spend with Jin. Taehyung had also noticed he was was falling harder for Jin. He wasn't just beautiful, he was amazing. He was still pure and had a child-like innocnce. Though as he himself fell for him, he noticed the other boys was always hugging him and stuff and he realised one day that they all had a crush on Jin. He had known these guys for ages and suddenly it was clear. Though it didn't make Taehyung's feelings stop, in fact they only grew. Many nights he fell asleep with the thought of Jin's beauty.
As a few more days went by Taehyung could hardly be in himself. He liked Jin so much and he wanted to confess to him badly but they always seemed to be surrounded by the others. He had a little feeling Jin might like him back too as he seemed to somehow always end up by Taehyung's side. Sometimes holding his hands or brushing their shoulders. One day finally Jin had come over to Taehyung and they were alone. They were sitting close on Taehyung's bed.

"So I wanted to say something to you." Taehyung said, his heartbeat picked up some speed. "Um so I-I'm just gonna say it. I like you. Like more than a friend. I want to be your boyfriend." Taehyung said and looked down blushing.

"Really?! Oh Tae that's amazing." Jin exclamied and Taehyung looked up to see a smiling Jin. "I really like you too." Jin smiled and grabbed Taehyung's hand in an easy movement that almost startled Taehyung.

Short imagines with BTS ships-Book 2Where stories live. Discover now