The End

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A year has gone by and everything seemed normal. Taekwoon and Hakyeon were together again and enjoying their life. Every time they didn't have practice the two were either on dinner dates or watching movies back at the dorm. The two have forgiven each other and now the life of VIXX was restored. They were now preparing for a concert now. It wasn't any concert. BAP and VIXX had become friends in the past year and they had planned this concert together.

"Are you ready, Cha Hakyeon?" Yongguk asked the other leader.

"I was born ready," Hakyeon answered.

"Let's do this," Himchan cheered. And so, the twelve members made their way on stage. They each had a smile on their faces and were going to have fun. This was the first time the Babyz and the Starlights were to merge together for a concert for both bands. Once they appeared, the crowd went wild. And with that the concert had officially started.

Hours passed and the songs were ending. Each member embraced the glory they held as they worked alongside one of their trusted friends. This was only the beginning of a great friendship but that was alright to Hakyeon. He enjoyed working with the people who helped him for three years to give himself enough courage to return to VIXX and to Taekwoon. The two bands were just having a blast to the very end.

Once the concert was over the two groups went their separate ways for the night. VIXX made their way to the van and each of them got in the maknae line in the back and the hyungs were in the front sections with the driver and their manager in the very front. Hakyeon was sitting in the middle so he had Ken on one side and Taekwoon on the other. Hakyeon was extremely happy to be with them again. Even if he was a little childish to run off but that brought the group closer in the end. The leader wasn't like he used to but he was going to get back in shape.

The group arrived at their dorm and were ushered inside. Fans were waiting and tried to get autographs from each of the members. It wasn't long before they were past the screaming fans and into their dorm. The six members went to the couch like they always did. The group would reflect o each concert right after so then they would notify the manager the next day of their thoughts on the concert. This was how the band grew stronger. They reflected on each concert to then get better then the time before.

"So, what did you think about this one?" Hakyeon asked the group.

"It went well even with the other band there," Ken replied. Hakyeon nodded his head with approval.

"I did go well. Better than before," Ravi told the group. The rest agreed and that made everybody happy.

"We should get some rest," Leo told the group. The others agreed and Hakyeon yawned at that. Taekwoon stood up and grabbed Hakyeon's hand gently and stood him up. He then led the older man to their room so he could get him to sleep. Hakyeon had a hard time getting used to the way they lived. Once the two were in their shared room, Taekwoon helped Hakyeon change into his sleepwear. This was normal between the two since they were back together after the three years of hunting and fighting. Once Hakyeon was dressed for bed, Taekwoon walked him to their shared bed which was Hakyeon's to start with. Taekwoon then walked to the bathroom to change his own clothes and take a quick shower.

Meanwhile in the bedroom, Hakyeon was staring at the ceiling. He was waiting on the younger man to return so he could get sleep. Ever since he came back he could sleep better. There was something about Taekwoon that made him sleep better. It must have been the love that the two shared. Hakyeon could imagine life if he moved on but it wouldn't be good. Taekwoon is his life and it's going to stay that way. There was not going to be another mishap. Hakyeon was not going to lose the man he loved again even if he had to fight for Taekwoon in the future. There was going to be nothing to tear them apart.

Soon enough, Taekwoon returned to a wide awake Hakyeon. The two were watching each other as Taekwoon put his clothes in the dirty clothes basket. Hakyeon moved over to make room for Taekwoon since the two slept together ever since Hakyeon joined them again. Once Taekwoon was settled onto the bed, Hakyeon rolled over to where his head rested on Taekwoon's chest. This was Hakyeon's favorite place to sleep. It was peaceful hearing Taekwoon's heart beat and hearing the young man breathe. This calmed Hakyeon's mind enough to put him to sleep. And so, every night Hakyeon would lay his head on the other man's chest and sleep like that.

"Sleep now, Hakyeon. We worked hard today," Taekwoon told the older man.

"Alright. Good night Leo," Hakyeon replied sleepily. Taekwoon kissed the top of Hakyeon's head and the two fell asleep afterwards.

Change isn't Always Good(VIXX/NEO)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang