The Search Begins

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"What do you want?" Taekwoon asked breaking the silence between the two. Ravi just looked down.

"I wanted to apologize if I could," Ravi whispered more to himself but Leo could hear him. Leo just looked at the black haired male with determined eyes. There was no point for ravi to apologize. Taekwoon's life was already a mess due to the younger.

"Well you can save it. This is all a mess because of you. Hakyeon could be out there somewhere suffering just like i am," Leo spat at the other. Ravi could understand where this is coming from. Hakyeon ran away because of him and Taekwoon may never get to see him again. There had to be a way to make it up to his hyung.

"It will be fine we will find Hakyeon and i will apologize if possible. I will do everything to fix what i have done," Ravi told him. A stray tear rolled down Taekwoon's cheek. Ravi raised his hand, placed it on the elder's cheek and wiped away the single tear. Leo leaned into the touch trying to rid his mind of Hakyeon for just a few moments.

"Why would him leaving make it hurt so much?" Leo asked. This surprised the younger for a minute. Was Taekwoon really asking something personal? This was a first for this.

"Well you have feelings for him obviously and without him in your life it's going to hurt for a while. This is normal amongst humans," Ravi explained. This caused the other too look at him. How did Ravi know more about this kind of thing then the older man? Usually is was the elders giving advice not the other way around. "That tends to happen when you get used to somebody being there and then you learn what you feel for them when they aren't there anymore."

"How do I fight this though? It's worse than panic attacks," Leo questioned. Ravi was smarter than what everybody else thought.

"There is no way to fight it but to work hard and move on," Ravi answered. Taekwoon's eyes dropped to the floor. Ravi's hand was still on his cheek. The warmth of the younger's hand felt familiar but it really wasn't. Hakyeon would always wipe tears that fell out of Leo's eyes. He always felt happy inside when Hakyeon was there. This is how he could handle every panic attack even in front of the whole world. Now that hope was gone, missing, and may never return to make the world right again. This was going to be a tough fight. "I may be the one to hurt you more than anything, but i am here to help you. I will not leave a friend behind." Taekwoon raised his head and looked at Ravi once again. This was not something he wanted to hear early in the morning.

"I want to try and get some sleep so if you don't mind," Taekwoon lied. Ravi wasn't going to argue that he wasn't going to get sleep but gave the older man a quick nod and stood up from where he was. Once Ravi had reached the door but turned around. Taekwoon was watching him like his life depended on him.

"If you ever need me, just let me know I will help with anything you need," Ravi told him before opening the shut door and walking out. Leo watched as the younger walked out and left him in the room by himself once again. The elder may have been too harsh on Ravi about this whole mess. Part of this is Taekwoon's fault. He did let Ravi get away with it before Hakyeon had come home. Taekwoon can very well remember the event that had taken place but it hurt him every single time he would picture Hakyeon's facial expression. There was evident Hurt in his eyes at he seen Leo and Ravi on Leo's bed. The moment that Hakyeon showed up, he left faster than when he entered the dorm. The look Hakyeon gave tore Taekwoon from the inside out. He never wanted to see Hakyeon hurt this way. This never made sense though. Why would Hakyeon be the center of Taekwoon's world? Did he really fall for the elder man? Was this what Wonshik was talking about? Ever since Taekwoon had met the elder, there has been heat resonating through his chest when he was close to the other. He thought it was a bad sign so he kept pushing him away. He never knew that Hakyeon would feel the same way.

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