Leader on the Run

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Taekwoon mopped around the dorm for hours waiting for Hakyeon to return. But the elder hasn't arrived yet. The other members were worried except they were more worried about Leo than Hakyeon. They knew Hakyeon could take care of himself but Leo depended on N. Taekwoon was the one who needed somebody to depend on. The older man couldn't trust Ravi as much since he is the one who pushed himself onto Taekwoon to cause this to happen. This should have never happened.

Ravi, on the other hand, felt bad. He didn't know this would happen when he was with Taekwoon. He only wanted to tell the other his feelings but he didn't know Hakyeon would run away from Taekwoon this way. This mess was all his fault if only he didn't see Taekwoon. How was he going to fix this when Hakyeon ran off to a place nobody knows? Taekwoon needs Hakyeon because he is the only one who can calm him down when he freaks out.

"How will we find Hakyeon?" Hongbin asked.

"Nobody knows where he would go. Not even Leo knows," Hyuk answers the other. Leo continued to pace back and forth.

"I wish he didn't leave," Ravi spoke for the first time since the incident. The sound of a cell phone ringing echoed throughout the room. Leo reached into his pocket and grabbed his ringing phone. He looked at the caller ID for only a second and answered the phone.

"Hakyeon, where are you?" Leo asked frantically to the man on the phone.

"I'm sorry, Taekwoon but I'm not going back. So I'm going to create a new life for myself somewhere. I'm calling to say goodbye, farewell my friend," Hakyeon told the other holding back tears. He didn't want to leave Leo but to make him happy with Ravi this is what has to be done.

"You can't leave me alone," Leo pleaded. Tears were now streaming down the younger's face. Hakyeon could hear that Taekwoon was crying.

"I'm sorry, Taekwoon," was all Hakyeon said before the line went dead. Taekwoon dropped the phone to the floor and joined it. The other members watched with no idea how to help. Leo's cries made the group even more worried.

"Hakyeon...Why?" Taekwoon asked himself in between sobs.

"How did this happen?" Ken asked. He turned to Ravi. Ravi looked down at his feet.

"This is all my fault," Ravi replied loud enough for everybody to hear.

"You bet it is!" Taekwoon yelled before he stood up and ran to the room he shared with Hakyeon. This couldn't be happening. Thanks to Ravi, he lost the one person he trusted most. And Hakyeon would never come back to him. Nobody really understood what Hakyeon meant to him. This was going to be hard to get through without the man beside him all the time. If only Ravi didn't pull that stunt, maybe he would be with Hakyeon right now. Who knows how long Hakyeon will be gone for.

Meanwhile in the other part of the building, the rest of the VIXX members were explained the whole story. Ken was looking at Ravi with an angry look. Hongbin and Hyuk were yelling at Ravi for interfering with Leo's and Hakyeon's life. This wasn't going to be easily fixed for the group. They just lost their leader and now the whole band relied on Leo. What were they going to do without Hakyeon now?

"Ravi, Hakyeon is not coming back cause all of this. Taekwoon is most likely mad at you for this. How are we going to help Leo if he has a panic attack now. You know Hakyeon was the only one who could help him. In the long run, you hurt Leo more than anyone in this band has," Ken told the rapper.

"I messed up. Alright I know that," Ravi replied while looking at the floor.

"You cost us our leader," Hongbin told him with a raised tone. This was the only way the younger wanted to express how he truly felt about this mess Ravi got them all into since he couldn't keep his feelings to himself. He just had to jump Leo as Hakyeon walked in.

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