Hakyeon Watches

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Hakyeon went back to BAP's dorm. The leader of VIXX couldn't help but feel bad. He caused a lot of pain for the younger man that he loved so much. It was enough to satisfy him that his band was doing better without him then with him. Hakyeon jumped on his computer to do research on his own members. He wanted to know how they really were doing without the oldest member. This was one thing that he constantly did. Hakyeon would secretly "stalk" the members of VIXX to make sure they were still doing their best without him. People could say that he didn't care but the thing that surprised his friends in BAP was that Hakyeon would always watch everything that his members would do on stage and on social media sites.

Hakyeon had been on his computer for hours before he noticed that it was getting late. The clock showed way past 10:00am. He was about to shut his computer off till something caught his eye. There was a schedule for the band VIXX and there was a performance tomorrow. This kind of made the older man happy. He will get to watch them on a screen again. The last time he actually got to watch his band perform was when they released the album before this year's one. He really hated seeing Ravi so close to Taekwoon but that didn't matter now since the two were together and Hakyeon was finally out of the picture. But that never meant that he could watch the members behind the scenes. Hakyeon then shut his computer down. Hakyeon didn't notice that the maknae of BAP was standing next to him.

"Maybe you should go back to him," Zelo told the older man, Hakyeon jumped a little and rapidly turned his face to look at the owner of the voice. "What's the matter, Hakyeon hyung? Did I scare you?"

"No you didn't scare me Zelo-ah, and you know I can't go back. I will end up hurting him more," Hakyeon answered after he calmed down a little.

"But he is hurting more then you know," Zelo tried to reason with the man before him. This made Hakyeon stare at the younger man before him. N knew that this was risky but he was bound to make Leo's life better then when it was with him around.

"He must be happy with Ravi though," Hakyeon reminded the other. This made the young rapper look at Hakyeon with narrowed eyes. This had the older man thinking. Was everything really alright with him being gone from VIXX entirely?

"You really can't see what is really going on with Leo, can you?" Zelo asked.

"Is there a point? He wouldn't want me to return. Not after three years of being gone," Hakyeon told the younger. He was now getting frustrated by what Zelo was telling him. Was he really missing something about this whole situation?

"Well I guess you are going to end up losing the Leo you know for a new version of him," Zelo whispered loud enough for Hakyeon to hear him. This made the older man freeze.

"What should I do, Zelo-ah?" Hakyeon snapped. "Should I just go up to him and ask him to forgive me for all the pain I had caused him? That will definitely not work the way I would hope."

"I guess you will lose him for good this time," Zelo told him before he left the room. Hakyeon was left to himself for the rest of the night afterwards. Not even Himchan stopped by to check on the poor man.

The night's rest flew by fast after Hakyeon had fallen asleep on his comfortable bed that the members of BAP gave him to sleep on. The sun was shining in through his window. Hakyeon hated the mornings, but today made him all happy on the inside. He could get to see VIXX perform on the TV once again. He couldn't wait to see how they are on music this year. He really hoped nothing bad was going to happen but he was having the same feeling that he did when he saw Ravi and Taekwoon the day he came back from the trip. He felt that something was going to go wrong.

BAP had the day off, which surprised the group since they rarely get time off to themselves. The seven people gathered in the living area as Hakyeon ferociously searched for the channel that VIXX was going to be on in a little bit. Himchan and Yongguk watched Hakyeon act very weird for the first time that day. They didn't understand the actions of their dongsaeng but they didn't stop him either. They at least knew that it had to be something about Taekwoon. This had the older two worried still. Why doesn't Hakyeon just go back to the man if he really wants to act like this? Was there something that Hakyeon was hiding?

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