Chapter 17- From the Dining Table

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All I Want: Kodaline

From the Dining Table: Harry Styles

Where Do Broken Hearts Go: One Direction

Odie's POV

Classes seemed to drag on today. I'd taken exam after exam and was ready for a much needed nap. I had planned on calling, A.J. and ask her to pull me out of this hellhole earlier than it was originally planned, but I had left my phone in my dorm room.

Just knowing that I was almost free from this prison made my anxiousness grow by the second. I didn't see the need to wait. Thanksgiving break was coming up, then I'd have finals and then it would be Christmas break. I could easily take my finals early and just skip the annoying reviews and get a head start on my new life.

I'd always hated this place, but coming back after summer break was especially hard. Now, I had to endure the torture of people associating me with Harry and being known as the sister of the "bitch" who broke his heart. Granted, there was a time I felt the same about my own sister, but they had no right. No one knew the pain they were going through. Or the reasoning behind my sisters decision.

Though I had my own foul feelings towards her, being around Harry for months gave me a little insight on why she'd just gotten up and left without a word.

As I made my way down the eerie halls, back to my room, my mind went back to the summer I had spent with him.

It had been about two weeks since I'd come to London to help Harry find my sister. My efforts were fruitless. No matter who many times I thought I had found her, that's how many times she managed to slip off the face of the earth. If I lacked enough sleep, I started to think that she wasn't real. Just a figment of my overly active imagination.

It was the memory of how she protected me from Sarah, that kept me grounded in reality.


The sound of glass breaking jolted me up in my bed. I immediately grabbed  the bat I kept against my nightstand and made my way to Harry's room, hoping he was already awake and ready to handle whatever had caused the noise.

In my hazy sate, I hadn't realized that this place, courtesy of  my sister, was like a fortress. No one could actually get in unless they had access. Just as I made my way to their once shared bedroom, I noticed a dark, stumbling figure heading towards me.

I just my eyes, taking a swing, the bat colliding with something hard. I peeled my eyes open, one at a time, followed by a string of profanities from a recognizable, slurring voice.

"Harry?" I questioned, switching on the light that was a few feet away. "God, I thought you were an intruder." I growled, setting the bat aside. "I thought you were in bed?" The memory of him turning in early coming back to me.

"I went out," he chuckled, pushing me slightly aside, the smell of alcohol, heavy on his breath.

I sighed, guiding him towards his bedroom before he drifted off into what would have been the baby's nursery. I noticed it was a habit for him. "Your drunk," I pointed out, my own mind trying to grasp the bit of knowledge. I wasn't stupid, I quickly gauged that this was an issue with him.

"I just had one," he lied, his own chuckle giving him away, if the stench wasn't enough indication.

I pushed him onto his bed, relived that I didn't have to support his heavy weight any longer. Though, I didn't like it, I understood why he was like this. I couldn't imagine what type of pain he was in. He'd lost his child, found out his girlfriend didn't want said child to begin with and then had said girlfriend abandon him right when they needed each other the most.

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