chapter 7 - oh boy

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claudia//oh boy

"Why did you stay up late?"  Cameron asks.

"I was sketching." I say bluntly, flipping through channels.

"But why?"

"Because Cameron." I was just very slightly getting annoyed, but I managed to keep my composure like I always did, with him.

"I want a full answer, love. You're suppose to get eight hours of sleep. Staying up late isn't good for you." He talks to me like if I was a child.

"Well, Cameron unlike you I care about my Art grade. So I was actually working on the sketches we have due on Monday." I say sarcastically.

He sits there, for what seemed like a good minute. I assume, flashbacking to the day our Art teacher told us on Friday to have the sketches ready to be turned in on Monday.

I sat there with a small smile, waiting for him to finish his little flashback.

"Crap." He says.

"Sucks to be you." I mumble and continue on my hunt for a good show to watch.

"No, it sucks to be you, because you're going to help me. If I recall,  someone said something along the lines of-" He clears his throat and stands up, being over dramatic like he always is.

"I can help you with anything you need. I'm here for you." He quotes me, in a high pitched voice.

"I do not sound like that." I pout.

"But you are cute." He pinches my cheek. I groan under my breath and shove his hand away.

"Gio!" He screams from downstairs, then starts jogging up the stairs.

I lay back on the couch and breathe. It's like when he's around I can't even breathe. I laid back and relaxed, feeling the cold breeze brush against my bare legs.

"Clau." Lulu jumps on me, laying her small head onto my stomach. I stood up, readjusting myself to a more comfortable position, as her small head fell onto my lap.

"Yes?" I run my fingers through her soft hair.

"I like a boy." She whispers, so quietly. I could barely hear what she said, but enough to know what she meant.

"You do? Describe him to me." I whisper back.

She hums softly and quickly gets off my lap, sitting up straight and looking directly at me.

"Well he has black hair and it's super curly. Like mommas. I like to touch it and he likes it when I do, he says that it feels nice."

Young love, how beautiful it was. I could see her eyes sparkle, as she described this boy she liked, her small cheeks where a settle tint of pink, while she played with her small fingers.

"He sounds really cute." I say, poking her side. She giggles and brushes hair out of her face.

"He is cute. I like him a lot. Clau, do you think he likes me back?" I hummed, looking up at the ceiling, pretending to be thinking as she sat there eagerly waiting for my answer.

"Of course he will Lulu! You're the cutest thing ever and if he doesn't then he sure is a big dumb head like Gio." I joke. She gasps and giggles into her small hand.

"I heard my name." Gio sings, as he walks into the living room. I turn my head around and spot Gio walking over to us. Then I see Cameron leaning against the wall, with a smile on his face I couldn't help but smile back. I quickly turned back around and erased the image of his smile from my mind, concentrating on what was happening.

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