His heart was beating and he felt a knot in his stomach as he took a deep breath and called out, “Hello?”

Too late to run away, he thought.

Suddenly, Zayn, Niall and Harry were surrounded by the Tomlinson’s.

“Who in fuck’s name are …” Louis stopped and tilted his head a bit to the side.

He walked towards Harry who took a step back, with every step the older boy made, until his back hit the wall and Louis was only an inch away from him. The killer was smaller than Harry but definitely better built with his toned torso and large, tattooed biceps.

“I know you,” Louis said now. “You’re Styles’ little one. Isn’t it a bit stupid of you to come here?”

“This is Malik’s son,” Perrie announced.

“And this is … I don’t know him. Name?” Liam asked Niall.

“I’m Niall. Nice to meet you.”

Liam’s eyebrows shot up as Niall held out his hand for Liam to shake it. Hesitantly, the brown haired boy took it and shook it.

“So, Styles … your name’s Harry, right?” Louis asked as he led Harry back to the other four. “What in God’s name are you doing here? It’s not exactly safe to visit your parent’s enemy, huh?”

“I’m here to warn you,” Harry said, mentally congratulating himself for keeping his voice from breaking.

Louis raised his eyebrows slowly. “Warn … us? From what? That you’re gonna run to your parents and tell them where we are? I’d shoot you before you could even take a step out of this door.”

“I know, I’ve seen you shoot people,” Harry replied. “And by the way, my parents wouldn’t even find a murderer if they stood right in front of their noses. No, I’m here because you can’t go to that murder tomorrow.”

“Why?” Perrie asked.

“Zayn’s and my parents hired a friend to call you and give you the address and everything. But, the victim would never show up, because it’s a trap. They would wait until you come and then … well, you can imagine the rest.”

Louis had turned dangerously pale before he shook his head and regained his self-control back.

“Wow. Well, I guess I should say thank you,” Louis said now and actually hugged Harry.

Harry tried to hold in a squeal of glee as he hugged the smaller boy back who stepped away after a few seconds. The six settled down on the sofas.

“I have a few questions. One, why do you, well, betray your parents? And two, why do you know where we would be?” Perrie asked.

“Well,” Harry said. “We knew where you are because that is fucking obvious. I mean, your sign, the three T’s, and everything. And my parents suck at that. They treat me like a baby, and never let me do anything alone. I’m almost twenty, for fuck’s sake.”

Louis smirked a bit. “I guess that’s my fault.”

“What?” Harry asked.

“Well, when we started and your parents were involved in our case we sent them a tape, and I had jokingly said that they should look for their little one, not that something would happen to him. I didn’t mean it serious, though. We don’t kill anyone when not hired. Don’t need any more trouble.”

“Oh … well, okay.”

Perrie sighed. “We can’t let you go, right?” She looked at Louis.

“No, can’t happen,” the feathery haired boy agreed.

“What?” Zayn asked as he, Niall and Harry stood up and tried to get away.

In a flash, Louis suddenly stood with his gun armed at the three of them.

“I wouldn’t take another step if I were you,” Perrie said lazily. “Louis can hit someone in the heart from a distance of about hundred feet.”

“Sorry, guys, but we can’t let you go. You wanna know why? We had a good friend. Stan was his name. He had the same. The daughter of his enemy warned him. All good, he let her go. Then she was gossiping with her friends and accidentally told them. And they went to her parents. Stan had to flee and now lives somewhere in Australia with a pseudonym. We can’t have this kind of trouble.”

“So you’re holding us hostage?” Harry asked through gritted teeth.

“Oh no,” Liam disagreed. “We’ll treat you fairly, not like hostages.”

“Let’s consider it as … a little forced holiday,” Louis agreed. “Hope you enjoy your stay.”

And honestly, Harry didn’t plan it to end up like this.


Hey! Finally a new chapter. About time.

Hopefully it’s not too short again.

Hope you liked it.

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I love you.

Kisses, Vic :*

Death Is My Love (Larry Stylinson AU Killer!Louis) {Mpreg}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu