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motel crazy

PULLING UP INTO an unfamiliar driveway and motel, Darien and the rest are at the Glen Capri. She grabs her bag and heads off the bus from the back to the front. Getting very annoyed with the slow walking students who won't go any faster.

"Listen up!" Coach yells. "Meets been pushed until tomorrow. This is the most closest motel with the most vacancies and it has a good judgement when it comes to a bunch of degenerate teens like yourselves. And I'll have no sexual activities perpetrated by you little deviants. Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves."

Darien grabs a key and her wrist swished her around and she did her usual response. Snatch her wrist away, grab the captives and wrong them around with her arm around their neck.

"Darien!" Allison says.

She breathes and let's go before looking at a startled Allison and a scared looking Lydia.

"I'm sorry." Darien says. "Just a natural reflex."

"Yeah, no kidding." Allison holds her wrist.

"Come on." Darien says. "I barely twisted your wrist."

"I was thinking, since we could possibly get to know each other, maybe we could go 3 to a room?" Lydia says. "Since you're new."

"Um." Darien squints. "Sure."

"I don't like this place." Lydia stops behind the two.

"I don't think the people who own this place, like this place." Allison chuckles.

"She's right." Darien starts walking. "Not much gonna happen."

"A lot can happen in one night." Lydia says before walking.

Darien checks the room number and walks up some stairs before finding it like nothing. She has gotten pretty good since the fact her and her brothers live in motels.

"So, tell us about yourself." Allison tries while placing hers and Lydia's bag on their bed.

"Well, my name is Darien Winchester, I have a twin brother who is older by 4 minutes and 27 seconds, I have another brother who's younger than me, I know how to shoot an M16, take it apart and put it back together." She says before taking a breath. "I basically live in motels with my brothers and there's not much that I'm good at."

Besides the fact that she hunts demons, Croatoans, shifters, tricksters and any other inhuman thing.

"Well, that was quite interesting." Allison says.

"Your turn." Darien says.

"Well, my name is Allison Argent, I have no siblings, I know how to shoot a bow, a crossbow and aim perfectly when I am focused, and I live with my dad." She says. "There's more."

"I know you hunt werewolves." Darien let's out.

"Wow." Allison says. "How did you-"

"My brothers know your dad." Darien says while she's getting into shorts. "Close kind of."

"Well, I'm gonna settle in and watch some cheap cable." Lydia says putting her purse down.

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