#1: The kidnapping

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Lloyd POV

I crossed my arms and shook my head. "For the last time! I'm not going!" I said and my mother sighed. "But you have a very high fever! Plus, I thought that 10 years olds are strong!" She said. "I am! But I hate the toothpaste-smelled rooms! And I hate needles!" I ranted and she took my hand.

"You're going and you're going! That's final!" She said and I held into the chair."NO! I DON'T WANT TO GO!" I whined and she was able to carry me to the car.

"I HATE THE DOCTORS! I HATE THE NEEDLES! I HATE THE DOCTORS! I HATE THE NURSES! I HATE THE METAL TASTING MEDICINES! I HATE EVERYTHING!!!" I yelled and took my knees near to my chest. Mother locked the doors and fixed the mirror to look at me.

"Oh...is the great green ninja scared from a little needle?" She teased, smirking at me. "NO! I don't!" I yelled. "I JUST HATE NEEDLES!" I yelled again and she started driving. "But that isn't a good reason to make me stop the car~" She teased again and I sighed. "Stop it..." I said.

"Don't be sad Lloyd, it's just a mosquito bite then done! We're back home!" She said, trying to make it simple than what I think it is. "No is NO!" I yelled and tried opening the door, which wouldn't budge at all!

"OPEN THE DOOR NOW OR I'LL BREAK IT!!!" I yelled and she smirked at me. "Too late! Look outside." She said and I looked outside the window. It was the white colored building with the red plus sign in the top, and the toothpaste smell disturbed my nose.

I sat back down and buckled the belt on. "I'm not leaving and the belt isn't going to open!" I said and she sighed. "Oh C'mon Lloyd...Be strong! When will you?" She asked me and I glared at her. "NEVER EVER!!!" I yelled and she left the car, closing the door behind her and locking all of them.

"You're gonna stay in the car and choke! Do you want that? And I'm going to eat some CANDIES!~" She teased and walked away, but the truth was that she was hiding in the back of the car. I growled and took the belt off. "I'm not leaving..." I insisted and looked at the back of the car to make sure she's there.

I gasped and clawed on the glass, instead of seeing the place where needles were born, candies were covering the whole back window!. "Mom hates candies! So they're mine! ALL OF THEM!!!" I giggled and slowly left the car, closing the door behind me.

I looked around and mother was nowhere to be seen. I quickly took the candies from the window and placed them in my pockets. A hand reached up to my shoulder and it was an unfamiliar one. I tensed up and turned around. "M-MOM?!" I yelled when I found a stranger right behind me. He was tall, he had black hair and...black skin?! Red eyes?!

He smirked at me and carried me with his strong arms. "HEY! LET ME GO!" I yelled and tried escaping his strong grasp. "Not before I do something to my Lloydie~" He said in a very deep and...why is it so familiar to me?!

He took a cloth and gagged me in the point that I couldn't even breathe through my mouth! "MMM!!!" I yelled and the cloth for sure muffled my words and screams. "Now you're coming with me!" He said snd carried me easily above his shoulder.

I growled and kicked him. "FMMM ME!!!" I managed to let out through the gag and he chuckled evilly. "Not before you come out like your father, boy!" He said and my eyes widen. I know why he was so familiar...

He was my father...

Ninjago: Tears From Within Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon