#7: Blood Test? ((P.T 2))

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Lloyd sat up and looked at me, Cole, and Zane just as we entered the room. "What's going on?" He asked.

"No worries, bud. We're just going to take a blood sample from you so we can make sure that you're okay." I reassured him, sitting down beside him and softly pulling the 10 years old boy close to my chest.

He sighed and gave his arm to Zane. "Okay, but please do it quick." He said. Cole fastened the tourniquet just right above Lloyd's elbow. Zane took a small alcoholic wipes and rubbed it on the area he'll be taking blood from. "Look away and be a strong boy." He said.

Lloyd snuggled against my side and closed his eyes. I smiled at how adorable he looked and softly played with his hair. I felt him holding my hand just as Zane pierced the butterfly needle in his arm. He gave a grimace of pain and squeezed my hand slightly.

"Good job, Greenie." Cole said, giving Lloyd a cup of cold water. "Th-Thanks." Lloyd stuttered and gladly drank the water using Cole's help. I looked at the small container just as Lloyd's blood started filling it.

Dark red color was filling it, but that isn't the only color...

Another strange color started filling it..


That isn't good.

"Oh, um, why is it green?" I asked. "That's not normal.. But the tests are going to reveal the answer." Zane replied, gently pulling out the needle.

Lloyd looked at me with a hint of fear in his eyes. "A-Am I going to die..?". I sighed and started stroking his hair softly. "Don't say that. You won't die, Lloyd. And I will make sure of that." I whispered softly.

I hated seeing him hopeless and sad.

It really shatters my heart...

Cole placed a small bandaid on the spot where the needle was inserted and stood up. "If you feel any discomfort or pain, call us, okay?", Lloyd nodded his head and I pulled the blanket over his body.

"You can sleep or do whatever you want, but don't leave the bed." Zane said, looking at him. "Don't worry Zane, I will take care of him." I replied. He left the room, shortly after Cole did.

I sighed and looked back at Lloyd, "Tell me everything that happened. Don't skip any single detail."

"It all started when mom took me to the hospital just for a checkup. I refused to leave the car because...I-I hate doctors. She pretended to be leaving me alone, and I got worried. I left the car just to search for her, then I was knocked down to the ground, unable to move. My father kidnapped me and told me that he's going to teach me a lesson for not becoming an evil monster like him. He took me to his hideout and tortured me like never before! With no food, no water, no relief, no warmth, and no love too.. I-I really missed my mother in there, and I appreciate her presence with me now.. He injected me with a green liquid, then he-"

I cut his explanation, "So that's why that green liquid was in your blood.. But that still does not make anything better." I said.

He nodded his head and continued, "Then he stabbed my leg, a-and that was the most painful wound I ever had! He left me in the dark then returned back the next day and told me that I can leave. I did not know how to feel about that, but I left without arguing and-and then mom found me." He finished off and wiped away a tear which managed to escape his eye.

"We will fight him, and he will get defeated for good." I said, brushing my hand through his hair.

He smiled and looked up at me, "Thank you for always being by my side, you're the best, Jay..." He said, hugging me.

I smiled at his adorableness and hugged back.

"Anything for you, Lloyd..."

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