#4: Saved From Lost

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Lloyd POV

I trudged to where I knew my mother will be, in our house. My leg was so sore and I began feeling lightheaded, dizzy, exhausted, and hungry.

The fact that I've been walking since two hours ago, had been given no food for about two days, never closed my eyes for some rest, and walking with a bleeding leg was not making anything easier! I just felt like fainting and never wanting to wake up!

I griped my phone shakily and dialed her number. "Please answer!" I said. The phone rang and it froze my chest when she answered. "Lloyd?!" She asked in the other side.

"M-Mom! Please help me!" I cried with tears in my eyes. "Okay, calm down and tell me where are you now." She replied. "I really don't know! Just please come fast!" I said, wiping away my tears. "It's okay Lloyd. I will track your phone!" She said quick before she hang up.

I smiled slightly, knowing that she will come to me in no time. I sighed and decided not to use my injured leg till my mother comes. I decided to sit down by the tree and try relaxing. "Just please come fast, mom..." I said to myself, trying to hold all of the feelings inside.

From angry at my father, sad that he betrayed me, happy that I escaped, hurt from the pain that I had to go through, sick from the feeling in my stomach, to feeling hope that my mother is going to come for me.

"Lloyd?" I heard someone call for me from not very far away. "Mom?!" I said, standing up with my both legs and looking around for her. I relaxed deeply when I felt her arms around me.

"M-Mom!!!" I sobbed and hugged her tightly, letting her carry me. "Gosh you really don't know how worried I was!" She said, crying too. "Dad hurt me so much!" I sobbed and held into her.

She looked at my leg and gasped. "Oh god...I can't believe he did that!" She said. I groaned and looked at her. "Mom...Can we please return back home quickly? I'm so hungry and thirsty...Plus I want to sleep too." I said. She nodded her head and kept me close. "You can sleep while I fix your leg." She said.

And by that, she started walking back home with me trying to sleep.

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