#9: Something Is Definitely Wrong

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⚠️ TW- This chapter includes a violence scene.


Kai's POV

Huh? What's ha—

Reality interrupted my thought. Lloyd's legs gave out all of a sudden. He slumped forward, as if falling.

Shoot. He was really falling.

I wrapped my arms around him just in time, holding him close to my chest. I was in utter shock and disbelief.

No way that just happened. Wasn't Lloyd playing just now? What happened?

People were staring at me, as if the stress I was feeling was not enough already. I didn't dare to meet their unbearable gazes, for I... really didn't know what to do.

I moved away from the semi-crowded playground in sluggish steps before turning into rushed movements.

I continued running towards the bounty where everyone else was. For a brief moment, I looked down at the unconscious boy.

"Hey, Lloyd?!"

I gave him a gentle tap on the cheek, hoping he would give me a response. Really, any mere response would work. Even if it was a small groan. Even a little tug.

But nothing happened. He was completely out of it, limp and quite.

I started to panic. "Lloyd! Wh-What's wrong?!"
My voice started to quiver. I would give up anything right now just to recieve a response from him, but, again, my hopes were shattered by this unbearable silence.

Was it always this quite or was my heart beating too loudly? Anyway, it doesn't matter. I have to get Lloyd to safety.

I rushed into the bounty, carrying Lloyd in a bridal style. To my surprise, there was no one around.

I caught my breath, carefully scanning the rooms as I walked by them in the never-ending hallway. "Hey!" I called. "Is anyone there?"

Where did they go?

I swung the door that lead to Jay's bedroom open. He was the last person I wanted to see in such a critical situation, but I had to do what had to be done.

Surprisingly, Jay was sitting on his bed, his back pressing against a pillow and blue earpads sitting on top of his ears. It was obvious that Jay wanted to show off his new— excuse me, trashy headphones.

If Jay's mood and mine were to ever fall on a spectrum, we would be on the completely opposite sides.

I sighed. Why did I have to ask for this idiot's help?

He stopped swaying to the music and looked at me, his cheerful facial expressions quickly changing into shocked ones. A romantic song continued playing in the background, even though the idiot connected his phone to the cheap headphones.

I sighed, mentally hitting myself, then I asked in a rough tone, "Are you going to keep staring?"

"Gosh, Kai, what did you do to Lloyd this time? Did you hit him with a swing?!" Jay said as he placed the headphone's headband around his neck and rushed to my side. Of course, he was speaking nonsense (as he always does).

I glared at him. "Of course not! Why would I ever do that, you dummy?!"

I slightly pushed Jay away from me before laying Lloyd on the blue bed. I quickly pressed two fingers against Lloyd's tiny wrist and gave a sigh of relief upon feeling tiny beats pushing against my fingertips.

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