Chapter 9. Protected

Start from the beginning

"Pound it!" Ladybug exclaimed as she fist-bumped Chat noir. "You guys were great as usual." She looked at me, her lips curving into a motherly proud smile.

Omg, Ladybug smiled at me.

I'm content if I die now.

"Can I have your autograph?" I leaped, magically producing a pen and a piece of paper. Ladybug blinked at me and then carefully took the pen. She gracefully signed 'Ladybug' on it, looking somewhat embarrassed.

"Do you need mine?" Chat noir offered.

"Um, no thanks," I said as I hugged the paper. I was going to laminate it and frame it. Then maybe I'll put it in the city bank for safekeeping.

Ladybug worriedly glanced at her earrings, which were beeping furiously. "Oh, time to bug out!" she smiled as she vanished from my sight. Chat noir disappeared along with her with a dreamy look on his face.

"So . . . are you going home?" I cheerfully asked, turning around to face Jade Turtle.

You know that feeling when you thought you were talking to someone but that someone wasn't actually there? Yeah, that happened to me.

I stared at the empty spot and sighed before trudging down the street.

My necklace wasn't glowing hot or beeping like the other heroes' Miraculouses. This either meant Trixx had the energy of a bear or that I hardly used my powers at all.

I preferred to think the first one.

Just as I turned the corner, something light hit me.

I blinked and stared down at the crunched up paper on the ground. I picked it up and delicately unfolded it to reveal big printed words: you're worthless stop ruining the picture and die already.

I re-crunched the paper and threw it away. Then I flipped around to face the culprit.

My eyes widened as I recognized the bulky figure in front of me.


"I heard all about you," he sneered, stepping forward. "Alix couldn't stop shutting up on your about how wonderful you were."

I took a mental note to give Alix some chocolate.

"Well, your Alix is definitely right," I smirked, crossing my arms.

"And I made a bet," Kim declared, glaring straight into my eyes. "That I can beat Volpina one-on-one. Just like this!"

Then he threw a punch in my direction, gladly I dodged it. But on the process, I tripped and fell to the ground. I know, it's really embarrassing.

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