Prologue: Consequences

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He was chained down, his rumpled hair damp and plastered on his head from the pattering rain. It seemed to wash away everything he had down. The shackles were the proof was permanent defeat. 

"I have to take protocol, Wayzz," Master Fu said, strained. 

Wayzz managed a smile. He knew this better than any other Kwami. "Yes," Wayzz whispered. He ducked his head, waiting to be locked in the stinky charm once more. 

He did it all the time but this time it was different. It was going to be permanent. 

"You don't regret your decision?" Master Fu asked once more. 

Wayzz stared at the cobblestone floor, examining the patterns on it. "Yeah," he said with a determined voice. 

He lifted his eyes, staring at the gleaming pale turquoise trinket in Master Fu's grubby hands. It seemed to enthrall him, tempting him to stay in it forever. 

"Alright then," Master Fu sighed. "Then I now will place the punishm—"


The door slammed open and a girl with wild orange hair stood there, panting. Her hair was tied into a pigtail, the tips of inky black and her eyes were unusually wild and filled with fire. 

"Trixx—," Master Fu started. 

Trixx marched forward and grabbed Wayzz by the arm. "You promised me you wouldn't do it," she hissed in his face. 

Wayzz glared back evenly. "Shut up and go back. I'm making things easier for you." 

"By taking the blame? By taking the punishment? Do you think you're doing it for me? I'm telling you; it wasn't my fault and it isn't going to be yours," Trixx growled. 

Master Fu calmly said, "Trixx, someone has to take the consequences." 

"Why him then?" Trixx yanked Wayzz off the ground. "He's twice as innocent as me! It wasn't me and it wasn't him!" 

Master Fu peacefully raised his hand with a placid expression on his face. 

He doesn't believe me, Trixx grimaced. No one ever dared to believe in vixens, did they? They were unworthy of trust forever, was it?

Wayzz curled his hand around Trixx's hand that was jerking him around. "Go, Trixx. You're innocent. You don't have to do this!" 

"You're innocent as well then!" Trixx yelled. 

Then her expression hardened then suddenly brightened as if someone had just lit the light bulb of her brain. Her grip loosened on Wayzz. She slowly turned to Master Fu. 

She opened her mouth. 

"Then I volunteer to take Wayzz's place." 

Wayzz's eyes widened. 


Wayzz jumped up from the middle of night from his little match box bedroom. He gasped, resting his head on his little green hands. 

That dream was a nightmare. 

It kept coming back to him, haunting him, as if Trixx was still blaming him for everything. 

He shuddered and stared at the chest, waiting for it to rattle once more like it did a few days ago. Then, contented when nothing happened, he snuggled back into his bed. 


Trixx stirred sleepily inside the chest. She could feel her getting less and less lazy and sleepy as the days fluttered by, slipping right threw her time frame. 

It wasn't the unsettling snoring from Master Fu that woke her up. Nor was it Wayzz's 24/7 shuffling. 

It was the dream. 

It poked her through the core, as if tormenting her, as if trying to convince her about how regretful she was. 

But she had no regrets. 

She did what was right. 

Didn't she? 

Yo. I'm back. Bonjour. 


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