Chapter 10. Real

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Wayzz's POV

Have you ever walked in on a conversation about you? 

I opened up the thin wooden panel doors and I paused. I surveyed the area. Tikki sipping green tea, Plagg with his mouth gaping open like he was saying something, Master Fu expectantly looking up at me, and Trixx looking furious. 

"What's happening here?" I cautiously asked. I could already feel the Trixx inside of my pulling on my emotions. 

"Tikki had a prophetic feeling," Plagg explained. "Something bad is happening soon and we have to plan on how to prevent it." He looked away guiltily. 

I leveled my steely gaze at Plagg, keeping it neutral. "And you're doing this without the wisest Kwami?" 

Tikki coughed, "W-We just figured you might be busy with your new Jade Turtle—" 

"Spill it," I demanded, not letting any emotion leak into the surface. 

"I'll spill it for them," Trixx said, smoldering. "Tikki's voodoo feelings tells her that I'm going to go explode some cities out there and she thinks I should be restrained." 

"Not restrained!" Tikki explained. "Just . . . monitored." 

Trixx's eye brows twitched. "I already have Wayzz." 

"It's just safer to think of the worst," Plagg calmly soothed, looking worried between the two girls. 

"The worst?" Trixx pouted. "So I'm the worst? What about Wayzz?" 

I raised an eyebrow. 

"Of course Wayzz is in this . . . but you and Wayzz are different," Tikki said, near begging. 

"If you mean different by that he's wiser than me, you're wrong," Trixx blurted. "Wayzz may be wise and logical but that doesn't mean he's higher than me." 

Tikki opened her mouth, "Well if you think about the tragedy—"

She went too far. I interrupted her with another neutral voice, "I did something logical. Trixx did what she thought was right back then." 

Trixx shot a look at me. "If you call abandoning—" 

I smirked at her. "Trixx honey, let's just get over this." 

Trixx pouted. 

I smiled, "So back to our little discussion. Tikki, you predict that the tragedy ahead will somewhat involve me and Trixx?" 

Tikki sheepishly nodded.

I could already feel Trixx wanting to bolt up and blurt out something so I quickly rushed, "Then why didn't you include us in this meeting?" I glanced at Master Fu, who was silently watching me, testing me. 

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