S1 « Chance Taken » #Ep 2

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She pulled open the door guiding us to the living room. Her mom walked up to me giving me a huge, "glad you two finally figured it out" she haha'd with a glass of wine in her hand. "Mr.Cambell" I spoke shaking his hand.

"This is my younger brother Cameron" I said as he shook both of their hands. "Are you boys in a rush? I'm almost finished with dinner. It'll be a pleasure to have you both stay?" She asked as Maya looked at me.

"Ahh" I thought, "sure. ." I mumbled as she smiled walking towards the kitchen. Her dad walked off towards their backyard exiting. "See told you they love you already" she said as we were walking deeper into their living room.

The backdoor opened again as he walked in with a guy. "Andy" she excitingly jumped running up to him. "When did you get here?" She asked as he was drying his hair. "I flew in this morning" he said as she walked him over to us. "This is my boyfriend Christopher and this is his brother Cameron" she introduced.

"Nice to meet you" he said shaking both of our hands. I noticed him and Cameron hand shake lasted a little longer than the one he gave me. "Sorry about the wet hands, went for a dip in the pool" he said. "It's just water" Cameron smiled back as I cleared my throat.

"Guess I'll go get out of this." He smiled as he walked away. "This is going better than I expected" she giggled grabbing my hand as we walked towards the kitchen. Their house was similar to ours but a lot more open.

"Would you two like to set the table?" She asked looking at me and Maya as I held my hand out. She handed me the plates as Maya took the rest.

"She has us playing house already" i chuckled. "Hope this isn't too much, I know this is happening fast but if you get uncomfortable bae just let me know" she softly spoke as we stood next to each other.

"It's good. I promise" I said kissing her as her mom walked into the room. She placed the food in the center of the table.

Cameron Pov:

Who has an art gallery in the middle of their house. I thought to myself as I looked around at all the weird painting. "The infamous Kwango Shin Acrylic painting. It's one of my favorites" Andy said walking beside me as I nodded my head turning to the wall behind me.

"Wow. ." I paused looking at the city abstract picture. "Now this is amazing" I chuckled as he stood beside me. "How ironic it's my least favorite, but you seem intrigued by it" he spoke. "You don't speak much?" He asked as I looked his way.

"Is that what you've been waiting for me to do. Speak?" I asked as he chuckled. "Leaving the room speechless is part of my presence, but I prefer words too." He said smiling as he continued walking down the hall as I silently laughed.

"Hey Andy" I called out as he stopped. He stood there as I made my way down the hall slowly catching up with him. "Nothing, it's good to know you'll wait when called upon" I winked before turning into their dinning room.

He laughed as he nodded his head. Jr looked up at me as him and Maya were sitting beside one another. Each of her parents sat at the end of the table leaving me next to Andy. He pulled the chair back as I sat holding in my smile.

"Since I am the family guest here, I'll bless this fine meal Aunt Lisa prepared for us" he said as  we bowed our head. He said a quick but in depth prayer over the food as I felt him squeeze my hand.

I could say he was flirting with me, but it also could be just my lonely intentions longing for affection. Something I couldn't feed into, plus he looks much older than what I am.

"How long have you two been dating?" Andy asked looking at them. "Well we've been friends for five months, and we made it official not too long ago" Maya said. "What about you Andy. Last time we visited Virginia your mom said you had six different people over within the same week" Maya chuckled as he turned red in the face.

"That was last year. I've grown from that, focus on me and school right now" he spoke as his aunt gave him a high five. "Cameron what about you. I know you got a lucky girl waiting around" Andy asked. "Not sure about that. ." I paused as Jr was looking at me.

"Dating isn't my focus at the moment. It's not my luck" I laughed with a slight sigh thinking about my foolish love life.

We finished dinner as everybody made light conversation. It was clear that Maya and Jr were meant, I've never seen him this open and expressive around people besides our parents. It was actually pretty good to see him happy and free.

They collected the plates from the table as I was getting up. "Here" Andy said handing me his napkin. "By any means you can lick your fingers too" he smiled as I took the napkin. "Look at you caring about the image of things" I mumbled as he stood there facing me.

"Table manners that's all, you know. I prefer class" he said walking around me as I grabbed my plate following him into the kitchen. Her mom took the plate from me as she sat them in the sink.

Jr gave me the heads up that we would be leaving soon. Him and Maya talked for a while as I sat in the living room.

He tapped me on my shoulder whispering he was ready as I got up. Andy was on the couch watching tv. Figured he would've spoke but he didn't as we headed towards the car.

"Thank you" she said kissing Jr as I was getting into the front seat. "Bye cammie" she smiled waving at me as I nodded my head. "Thanks for behaving" Jr said laughing. "Was I tripping or did that Andy guy seemed a little interested in . . . I'm not going to say no names" he said as I shrugged. "Behaving? . ." Sighing ignoring his first comment. "Dang for y'all heterosexual man to think everybody want y'all" I said putting my seatbelt on. "Boy bye"

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