Chapter 25: Clearly She's New at This Whole Life and Death Thing

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"We contacted the agency about our suspicions and they want us to wait it out, probably don't believe us," I mumble as Jesse, Chris, and even Katie sit in our basement man cave.
"Why wouldn't they believe you? I mean you're in trouble shouldn't they do something?" Katie asks and I can tell by her innocence that she's definately knew that this whole life and death thing, as well as the amount of money it would cost the agency to actually care about our lives.

"Yeah well they don't exactly seem to care very much, let's just say we've caused the agency enough trouble that it'd almost be better for them if we were dead," Chris grumbles and quickly flips on the tv before anyone can comment. Soon we're watching Sherlock Holmes as I lay in Jesse's arms and Katie in my brother's, it's so odd that Chris and I have both found someone to love. Never in my entire life have I ever thought we could be at peace or even have an ounce of happiness, yet here we are in more danger than ever before but at our happiest as well.

"Kira," Jesse's hot breathe brushes against my neck and I crane it to look up at him.
"Yes Jesse?" I ask as his eyes scan my face and I study his dark eyes.
"I wanted to tell you, no matter what happens I'll always be by your side," he states earnestly with a stern look on his face.
"And I yours," I reply with a small smile and in this moment I feel as though I've had a small revelation. I realize I don't care how many times he says he loves me, anyone can say that, it's the other words he says to me, the small moments when he reasures me everything will be ok and the times he soothes me with his voice when they aren't. I don't need the passionate kisses or the long nights together, I only need his helping hand when I trip over my own feet or need help out of a car. And he's only kissed me a handful of times and he's only said he's loved me once but just by his other actions I don't need reasurence. I don't need to be reassured with a long kiss or with his 'I love yous', I only need him to be himself, the very boy I fell in love with.

"What are you thinking of love?" Jesse asks as I pull myself out of his forest eyes and back into reality.
"Something really special," I reply with a large grin growing on my face.
"And what would that be?" he asks playfully as his nose skims mine. I let out a small  giggle before gently pressing my lips to his for only a split second and then going back to nuzzling my head in his chest.
"The photographer did it," Jesse whispers in my ear after a moment and I sit up to hit him in the chest.
"No spoilers!" I exclaim and he smirks.
"Oh please you've seen this before, and I haven't so I needed to make sure I was right and by your reaction, I am," he teases with his grin widening.
"You have seen this before we're only ten minutes into the episode there's no possible way you could've figured that out," I turn back to the tv then to Jesse who lets out a low chuckle while shaking his head.
"You'd be surprised what I can pick up on love."


"We're just going up to my room mom it's fine," I shout as Jesse and I walk up the stairs and my mother feels the need to watch our every move.
"Mom you let us stay home alone for a week straight we went into my room countless times alone," I expand and she just crosses her arms with the steak knife in her hand from cutting up dinner.
"Yeah well that was before you two were together, or whatever you are now," she explains waving the knife in the air and motioning in between us. I just raise my eyebrows and she finally rolls her eyes and grumbles a few things under her breathe before leaving us alone as we stand by my door.

"So," Jesse starts off sounding almost nervous, "What are we?"
"Whatever you want us to be," I smile while leaning against my door and opening it. Jesse's eyes widen and his jaw goes agape as he stares into my room and just as I'm about to turn around to see what he's staring at he scoops me into his arms and shoves us both out of the room.
"Jesse what the heck?" I ask as I shove him off me slightly.
"Kira don't go in there," his voice comes out scratchy as he viscously shakes his head.
"What are you talking about?" I ask and put my hand on the handle again but he only blocks my way.

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