Chapter 3: We're Not Lying so Mind Your Own Business

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I remember when he told me they were coming, he said that they were going to kill my brother and I and that my mother was one of the murderers. I was only 7 at the time and innocent-minded so I didn't think twice before believing the man that I grew up loving. I screamed for Chis to come with us but my brother knew better, he knew he was just having another breakdown.

At eight years old he told me he brought home a puppy, I cheered and squealed running down the stairs to find him holding nothing. His arms were forming a half circle as if he were holding an actual puppy. My face dropped and I let out a wail as I realized there wasn't an actual puppy in his arms, he thought there was, there wasn't.

"Kira!" a voice shouts from downstairs and I quickly leap from my bed shaking the thoughts out of my head as they invade my mind like an infection, like a disease.
"Yes, mom?" I shout from the top of the stairs still shaking slightly from the thought of him.
"Dinner!" With that, I feel my stomach rumble and I'm heading down the stairs with Chris on my heals.

Once we're all seated and say grace I become the first to dig in.
"Thank you mother," Chris gives our mom a sly grin with hamburger stuffed in his face.
"Chris don't talk with your mouth full," my mother scolds.
"Yeah you don't want to ruin everyone's appetite," I mumble and Chris sticks his tongue out at me, hamburger stuck to his tongue.
"You're disgusting," I mutter and take another large bite of my hamburger.

"So Kira I saw you talking to Jesse today at lunch," Chris's voice seems a tone louder just so it catches my mother's attention.
"Jesse?" my mother questions looking between Chris and I, "Like Jesse your new friend?" she asks Chris and he nods and soon both of their eyes are on me. I shrug and take another bite, "He was just being a douche bag," I mutter and my mom's jaw drops at my language and juice is spewed everywhere as Chris chokes on air.

"Language young lady!" my mom scolds, "And you!" she points at Chris, "Clean this mess up!"
"Did you just call Jesse a douche bag!?" Chris asks in bewilderment.
"Children!" my mother shouts, something she calls us when she's mad, "I did not raise you to speak like this at the table!" With that, both Chris and I stand up and walk around the table so technically we're no longer at the table.
"Did you just call Jesse a douche bag?" Chris asks again.

"Oh my goodness I have failed," I hear my mom mutter before grabbing her plate and heading to the kitchen.
"Yes in fact I did, do you know how much of a jerk he is?" I cross my arms and look up at my brother.
"You've known him for two days!" he shouts in my face.
"So have you!"

"You know what I'm not arguing with you about this right now, he's nice to you and suddenly you have no idea how to judge character," he mutters and leaves the room. I feel the urge to shout something back but instead, I grab my plate and throw it in the dishwasher while my mother stares at me in shock.
"You got a problem honey?" she questions with raised eyebrows.
"I just don't like one of Chris's friends," I mutter.
"Well clearly," she scoffs, "Just stay away from him."
"I do! He's the one that won't leave me alone!" I exclaim throwing my hands in the air in frustration.

"Well," my mother tries to conceal a smile, "I mean you are a new girl and I have seen that he's quite the looker so maybe he's just trying to get to know you." I quickly scoff at the idea my mother is suggesting. You don't get on a girls' good side by sneaking into her room, claiming to be her boyfriend, then bluntly saying she'll get pregnant and shipped off.
"Yeah right, he literally gets any girl he wants," I try to reason with my mom.
"You know playing hard to get is incredibly attractive," she smirks at me and at that I roll my eyes and head up stairs to eat ice cream and watch Netflix, my usual weekday routine.

Trotting up to my room I plop on my bed and pick up my phone to see I got a text from an unknown number.

You think you can hide

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