Chapter 17: My Dreams of Going to Home Depot?

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"You know your garden looks so sad," Jesse remarks as he arrives at my house on the fourth day of his suspention.
"Is that the only reason you rang my doorbell instead of just walking in like you normally do?" I ask as my messy hair and baggy eyes clearly give away that I was unconsious or as most people put it, sleeping nearly five minutes ago.
"Oh yeah," he breathes thinking for a moment, "I forgot I normally do that." He brushes past me and into my house acting as if it was his own, he struts towards the kitchen and I'm quick to follow and watch as he pulls an apple from the fridge and starts to munch on it.

"Make yourself at home why don't you?" I murmur while grabbing an apple myself and plopping down next to him.
"That poor poor garden," he mutters again and I roll my eyes, it is way to early in the morning for this.
"Sorry alright, my mom works full time so she can't work on..." I begin to explain when he quickly pops his head up in excitement.

"We're going to Home Depot!" he shouts as if I am 20 feet away from him when in reality I am only two.
"What?" I ask, "Why though?"
"To fix your garden," he shrugs, "Plus you've been cooped up in here for the past four days and need to get out. That concussion should not stop you from fullfilling your dreams," he points at me and I raise an eyebrow.
"My dreams of going to Home Depot?" I groan just praying he'll forget it and let me go back to bed.

"Exactly!" he cheers and hops off his chair before looking me up and down, no doubt taking in my gray sweatpants and giant white T I'm wearing.
"Alright..." he breathes, "I guess you look decent enough for a six o'clock Home Depot trip!" he cheers again and hastily grabs my hand making me freeze as this is the second time he's done this and a thousand thoughts seem to swarm my mind as I stare at our intertwinded fingers and soon I'm wide awake.

He drags me into his car and then hops into the driver's seat just as I try to make my escape.
"No," he states firmly, "We're doing this for your mom cause she works all the time and she deserves to come home to something pretty."
"Yeah unlike your face,"  I mutter and recall my mother's reaction to coming home every day and seeing Jesse randomly sitting on the couch with me.
"You know you should really read the Bible it teaches you how to be nice," he grumbles.
"Excuse me I have and I will have you know Jesus was a very sassy man," I retort while waving my finger in the air
"Yeah ok," Jesse mumbles as he pull out of my driveway.

Soon we arrive at a very empty Home Depot and we're booking it for the flower section which consist of more colors than the rainbow itself. We wander aimlessly throughout the flower section and Jesse occasionly grabs a pot and places it into the cart I'm pushing.
"Hey Kira," Jesse smirks from in front of me while holding a flower, "Hold this for a second," he hands me the flowers that I soon realize are tulips. Bending over he kisses one and grins up at me, "I guess you could say I kissed your 'two lips'," he smirks and I try with all my might to keep a straight face before a small smile purks at the corners of my lips and I look around to find a worker who has to be in his eighties.

"Excuse me are these yours?" I ask him handing him the flowers and he looks at me flustered.
"I guess you could say they're mine, I mean I take care of them," the old man says in a gruff voice and I turn back to Jesse who has a mortified look on his face.
"I guess you could say you kissed his 'two lips' as well," I giggle and try my best to hold the rest of the laughter in as I see Jesse's repulsed and betrayed face before his eyes travel to mine.
"Like I said, read the Bible you could learn a thing or two," he glowers playfully at me.
"And like I said, I do I just... uh... gotta listen to it more," I finish and whip around before pushing the cart down another aisle.

After some more flower shopping and flower puns I finally catch onto the confused looks on Jesse's face everytime he picks out a plant and the odd pattern of plants we've chosen.
"Jesse?" I ask and he turns around to look at me.
"You have no idea what you're doing do you?" I ask.
"Nope," he replies staring intently at what appears to be the pokiest cactus I've ever seen.

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