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"Welcome to Culvers can I take your order?" the girl scowls at Jesse. Everyone's crowded around the cashier ready to order but the moment the cashier made eye contact with Jesse things got quiet and awkward, no doubt they have some sort of history.

"Could I get a hamburger with ketchup and the flavor of the day," Jesse states like he would to any cashier but she violently jabs at her cash machine so hard that I almost feel bad for it. After the order Jesse quickly scurries away with Ed while the rest of us order, and me being a constant mind changer decided to go last as my eyes scan the menu.

"So are you his new girl?" the cashier sneers and I read her nametag to be Betty.
"I'm not anyone's girl," I snap at her and she rolls her eyes.
"Oh please I see the way you two eye each other, anyone can see it," she crosses her arms.
"Excuse me Betty we're only friends and that's that, not that you should be in my business anyway," I watch as my vision blurs slightly in anger. I never flip on people and when I do it's normally not good, at least not people I just meet.
"Gosh you are so oblivious, he's obviously just going to get into your pants and then ditch you and pretend he's never even met you before," she snaps harshly and my jaw drops.
"Mind your own damn business, none of that's true and you know it!" I shout out.
"Now get me some fries, a burger with no tomatoes and the flavor of the day!" I shout slapping a ten dollar bill on the counter, "AND KEEP THE CHANGE!" with that I quickly storm off into the booth where everyone's sitting.

Sliding in next to a very upset Jesse who's leaning back with his muscles taunt as his arms cross over each other making him look years older.
"Who stuck a stick of up her ass," I grumble and that's enough to make him burst out laughing. It seemed he needed a joke pretty bad because soon he's laughing for no reason while shaking his head at me with chuckles still coming from him.
"Jeez we were a thing in 8th grade, a 'thing' four years ago and she still hasn't dropped it," he shakes his head slowly with anger evident in his tone.

"Does she go to our school?" I ask and people turn to me in confusion.
"Yeah..." Macey explains and I roll my eyes.
"Guys I moved here less than a month ago!" I laugh and suddenly a very pissed off Betty is heading our way with trays. Slamming them in front of us we all stare at each other in awkward silence until she's gone and Rico is the first to chuckle and soon we're all giggling at her childish behavior.

"And she screwed up my order," Jesse sighs from next to me while poking at his burger.
"What?" Ed asks inspecting Jesse's hamburger.
"I don't like mustard," he mumbles like a five year old.
"I didn't even know they served mustard on their hamburgers here?" Vicky questions.
"They don't," Jesse snorts and soon Rico's up and heading to the front.
"Don't worry mate I got you!" he calls back and heads to the front desk.
"This is not going to end well," Macey sighs as she watches her brother disappear to the front.

We all wait anxiously and soon a loud yelp is heard and Rico is running towards us with white stuff covering his face which appears to be custard.
"She icecreamed me!" he exclaims through his no longer Mexican but white face and soon we're back to belly laughing.
"I hate you guys," he mutters and grips onto his hamburger before shoving it in his face.


"I DON'T WANT TO KNOW OH OH WHO'S TAKING YOU HOME OH OH!" Rico sings as we sit on his couch in the middle of a Saturday. The music blasts as I sit upside down with Macey right next to me showing me a cat video on her phone, the boys tackle each other to the floor and wrestle around while Katie and Vicky attempt at using the oven to make us pizza rolls.

"Rico shut up!" Macey yells as we both look up at her upside down brother who abruptly gets tackled by Jesse and flies to the ground with a huff.
"I'll rip your nuts off boy," Jesse grumbles while putting all his weight on poor Rico.
"Thank you," Macey sighs as she turns the phone back to me as we switch over to a Liza video.
"Pizza rolls are in the oven and cooking!" Katie exclaims as she hops into the living room.

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